Support sites, NOT (continued)


Active member
I am new here and quite unfamiliar with this pasting board particularly, but in my own real experience with a wide range of forums, your logic frequently does not apply, and certainly not for everyone.

All the more reason why if the folks in charge here actually do resolve whatever the matter at hand, justly, capably and transparently, then, most sincerely, my hat will be off to you.

However, the way in which you allude to unspecified others who, as you put it, that you already know about, bears a certain ominous ring that cannot but fail to inspire confident hopes for equanimity and fair play.

Nor does quickly locking contrivercial tiopics!


Well-known member
controversial quickly turns into people's feelings getting hurt. might i add that the mods have SA as well and we do this out of our own free will b/c we LIKE the site as well. so if you must, because i have nothing to hide, post whatever the fuck you want b/c i'm tired of the new trend being bashing the mods when all you do is post vague accusations spaming up the site and NOT POSTING ACTUAL SUPPORT OR ACTUAL EVIDENCE.


Active member
You are now voicing the standard argument against free speech and the values of democracy and, most pointedly, you are denying support to dissidence. But don't dissidents need support too?

However as to the charge of vague acrimony, I cannot say how specific sabbath92001 was or not, because, as sabbath92001 complains, all of the posts where deleted!

I certainly do hope that no one is really just giving you grief for no particular reason. Although I've certainly come across my share of that too! All I can say is that sabbath92001 certainly seems frustrated and demoralized, badly in need of support in the truest sense, of someone to stick up for him or her.


Well-known member
if i could tell you or sabbath who deleted the posts, i would. if i could tell you why, i would.

but i also didn't hear anything from sabbath on the issue outside of the forum, all i see is now, SPW is the devil along with all the other support sites.


Active member
Yes, well, that's what happens when the evidence is destroyed! The point is that it's far too easy and self serving to be supportive only conditionally that one will never be criticized. So I certainly do hope you can reach out to sabbath92001 and get to the bottom of all this.


Well-known member
well, i meant what i said, do say whatever you want. for tonight, i don't care. but to sabbath, i guess i should have directed my above post to you.
Yeah I was pissed off about the "Trash Can". It seems some of my posts ended up there, and are still there. I don't know the criteria for posts ending up as trash. I try to be sincere when posting and I'm sure most others do too. But when we notice our posts get put in a "Trash Can" and are to be deleted it kinda takes the wind out of your sails.

I just finished up a four month employment contract and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) helped me greatly. I'd like to post and think that people would want to read my posts and reply. But when my posts end up in the "Trash Can" what am I to think? Sure there's a lot of spam in there now, but some honest support-type posts are in there too.

Anyway I'm between gigs at the moment and I've given up my self-imposed exile. The mods and owners can do what they want to do, this site and others are really about helping each other.

Thanks for defending me AaronAgassi and jinxed. Let's hope management changes their policy of placing posts into the trash can at random.
The mods have no say in what goes in the Trash can, we are all against introductions and other such posts being put in there. It seems much more sensible to me to put really old threads from 2004 in there, because they're not being used. But the webmaster pays for the site and therefore chooses what to do with it. We, the mods, just try and do what we can to make sure the site stays supportive.


Active member
Indeed, 2004 threads might even be retrievable from the archive. org WayBack! But always best to check, first, of course.