Well-known member
Lea said:Honestly, I could never understand why it should be bad to share best methods of suicide. Because THIS is not what is dangerous to people. If someone wants to do it, he will do it anyway, if not, he will not be influenced just by some advices on internet. What I find morbid is for example promoting cruelty to animals or other people, nasty humour etc. etc.
I don´t know why, when I sometimes start talking about suicide and similar things (often even as a joke), it pisses people off, especially those who otherwise care about me the least. You don´t help people by banning things for them, by saying: don´t do it you stupid cow, but rather spending some time with them, give support, don´t banalize their problem and take them seriously.
I can not understand why you beleive that suicide is an acceptable thing to talk about!
Did you hear the story of the boy who played the playstation game, Manhunt?
He saw the ways that people were brutally killed on the game, and this influenced him to go and carry out the same brutal killings on real people.
What people read or see CAN influence them, ok maybe not everybody, but there are people that will be influenced by things.
Please stop thinking of yourselves. So you get deprived of your suicide thread? Boo frickin' Hoo, if it saves peoples lives and prevents them from getting bad ideas about things or being encouraged to commit suicide, then in my opionion it is well worth it.
Reading your thread may be all somebody needs to tip them over the edge.