sunshine on a friiiday


Well-known member
Lea said:
Honestly, I could never understand why it should be bad to share best methods of suicide. Because THIS is not what is dangerous to people. If someone wants to do it, he will do it anyway, if not, he will not be influenced just by some advices on internet. What I find morbid is for example promoting cruelty to animals or other people, nasty humour etc. etc.
I don´t know why, when I sometimes start talking about suicide and similar things (often even as a joke), it pisses people off, especially those who otherwise care about me the least. You don´t help people by banning things for them, by saying: don´t do it you stupid cow, but rather spending some time with them, give support, don´t banalize their problem and take them seriously.

I can not understand why you beleive that suicide is an acceptable thing to talk about!

Did you hear the story of the boy who played the playstation game, Manhunt?
He saw the ways that people were brutally killed on the game, and this influenced him to go and carry out the same brutal killings on real people.

What people read or see CAN influence them, ok maybe not everybody, but there are people that will be influenced by things.

Please stop thinking of yourselves. So you get deprived of your suicide thread? Boo frickin' Hoo, if it saves peoples lives and prevents them from getting bad ideas about things or being encouraged to commit suicide, then in my opionion it is well worth it.
Reading your thread may be all somebody needs to tip them over the edge.



I have no problems about people talking about suicide... i actualy think people should.And i hope that if anyone on this site felt that low,i hope they could feel they could be honest and post on here for support.Because at the end of the day more than ever you need support if your that low.

The reason even talking about suicide on this site is kinda not allowed is cos of the webmaster who owns it could actualy be done as its illegal.But as he's no where to be seen these days and weve lost all our mods its not a problem.However whenever a suicide "thread" has been made its turned into a ethical argument sadly for people to argue and bully each other rather than a thread to help people :?

And while i sorta agree with you,I dont think its good to share methods of suicide,sure if someone wants to they will find out anyway... but let them find out anyway id prefer to be on a site that encourges people to get better than somewhere which encourages people to end there life.Theres kids on here and i just dont think its the sort of information we should have in posts.I tried killing myself when i was very young... and i messed it up obviously otherwise i wouldnt be here lol.And tho at the time i was sure i wanted to end it... im not so sure now.If i had been given advice on how to do it properly i wouldnt be alive to decide if it was the right thing to do.


coriander1992 said:
Did you hear the story of the boy who played the playstation game, Manhunt?
He saw the ways that people were brutally killed on the game, and this influenced him to go and carry out the same brutal killings on real people.

Ive got to stick my 2 cents into this aswell sorry lol.But i read that.... i play alot of computer games :) Its my way of not dealing with my shitty life.And computer games are getting blamed for all the violence and stuff.Especialy the gta (grand theft auto) series.Some kids in the states went out and started shooting passing cars with a hunting rifle and blamed it on gta.

Now theres a shit storm about violent computer games :? causing the downfall of our youth :lol: whhich is utter bollocks.its mostly the quite kids who sit in playing on the computers with there mates.The thugs are out getting pissed on there litre of white lightning and jacking cars lol.It has bugger all to do with computer games.

The kid who played manhunt... was obviously already very disturbed and obviously had problems... he was a bomb waiting to go off sadly which didnt get noticed in time before he stabbed his mate to death.Its not the games fault... if the game hadnt triggered him somthing else would of ya know,a movie... whatever... are we gonna ban the tom and jerry cartoon cos they hit each other?


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
coriander1992 said:
Did you hear the story of the boy who played the playstation game, Manhunt?
He saw the ways that people were brutally killed on the game, and this influenced him to go and carry out the same brutal killings on real people.

Ive got to stick my 2 cents into this aswell sorry lol.But i read that.... i play alot of computer games :) Its my way of not dealing with my shitty life.And computer games are getting blamed for all the violence and stuff.Especialy the gta (grand theft auto) series.Some kids in the states went out and started shooting passing cars with a hunting rifle and blamed it on gta.

Now theres a shit storm about violent computer games :? causing the downfall of our youth :lol: whhich is utter bollocks.its mostly the quite kids who sit in playing on the computers with there mates.The thugs are out getting pissed on there litre of white lightning and jacking cars lol.It has bugger all to do with computer games.

The kid who played manhunt... was obviously already very disturbed and obviously had problems... he was a bomb waiting to go off sadly which didnt get noticed in time before he stabbed his mate to death.Its not the games fault... if the game hadnt triggered him somthing else would of ya know,a movie... whatever... are we gonna ban the tom and jerry cartoon cos they hit each other?

I never said that everybody would be effected in the same way as this boy :) It was merely an example.
My point was that it can be enough to influence some people...surely it's worth not talking about suicide to prevent even this small amount of people from taking their own lives?

If they read that other people are talking about suicide and methods of killing themselves, some people could get the idea that it is an ok thing to do..possibly even something that is encouraged on this forum, which is certainly is not.

I just don't think it's an appropriate subject to talk about on a public forum, which many vunerable and depressed people use.


I agree young people are very easily influenced, and find it somehow brutal to let them kill people even on the computer.
But also the despair of many young people or people comes from lack of love and understanding in their families, and society in general. When nobody cares that you can´t go on and don´t believe you need some help, sometimes it´s until they try to commit suicide for the people around to realize that the thing is already that far.
When I was in my teens, I was dead serious about commiting suicide. Nearly every day I was thinking about ways how to do it... But I was too coward.
Now I have a bit different world view and more experience and don´t think I would do it.
Another thing I think sometimes of is what if I fall in hands of some torturers who are going to kill me in a brutal way, or somehow the death is inescapable. It would give me some peace of mind to know that I carry with me something to kill me quickly. Like one woman who was waiting in a cell for execution - being beheaded with axe. She was writing home if the parents could send her some arsenic..