

Well-known member
i was going to slit my throat once, about a year and a half ago. i sat there with this huge knife right at my throat, my hand wasnt shaking or anything,id written this letter, my family were out.
In the end i didnt because i was so fed up at failing everyhting that i couldnt bear to fail this one last thing - life. That sounds cheesy, but thats how i felt at the time. I'm glad i didnt kill myself
things have got better for me lately, ive been through bad patches but i've come out the other side.
Theres nothing ..i dunno..suicide isnt wrong, it doesnt say anything about that person other than that they were pushed too far.
BUT i believe there will always be another way out.
look for it.


Well-known member
isn't it weird how in movies people who are about to kill themself are always portrayed as hysterical and nuts, but whenever I have stood at the top of a tall building on the edge, I feel completely calm and even still depressed. i think my adrenaline's been inhibited by SA. i think slitting your throat would hurt..i would use a gun or bout you guys


Well-known member
ive thought about suicide many times and even how i would to it,there is a big hill not far from me that has a road going up the side of it,i would drive off of it,but ive got doubts that it may not kill me so i'll hold out till i find somethig i know will do it for sure :lol:


Well-known member
Mine would be the most painless way possible, no slitting throat for me :roll: but I have thought about taking pills many times, go to sleep, and never wake up; that would be my choice.


Well-known member
as people have aid..the worst thing that can happen is that it dioesnt actually kill you, just like..causes loads more problems. I was down in london recently, going on the tubes and whatever, and i considered for future reference throwing myself in front of a train cos they go so fast..
but what if you bounced off and were just horribly mutilated? and even if it did work, i was concenred about like the effect it would havr on the poor people


Well-known member
I don't think I"ve ever thought of killing myself. I thin life is too much of a gift to throw away even if life isn't going as well as I planned it. BUt even if I wanted to kill myself I don't think I would have the guts. I"m too chicken.


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
you have to be really careful with the whole train thing fred. there was a guy in la a few months ago who parked his car on the line...then changed his mind at the last minute....the train hit the car and derailed killing 14 people..theyre busting him for multiple murders of course...talking about the death penalty..which is ironic..hes clearly not well but The People want justice.

ahh, but i cant drive. I somehow doubt that my slight figure would derail a train if i threw my body under it..
unless i put alot of wieght on of course


Well-known member
I think euthanasia should be legalised. I don't really buy the arguments against it. For some people, it's just the right thing for them to do, so they should be allowed to get on with it.

I quite often feel like topping myself but, of course, want it to be painless and reliable. I'd like to be able to get a prescription from a doctor then just go and inject myself in the comfort of my own home. The doc can make arrangements to have my body picked up the next day.


Well-known member
Worrydoll, do all your clothes come off when you drown? Is there some weird law of nature that I hadn't heard about before? Or is it the dolphins that undress you?

Also, with the indoor bbq thing, can you be sure the cat wouldn't try to undress you when it thinks you've passed on?


Well-known member
i think euthanasia should be legalised too, pit..i volunteer at an animal shelter and have access to the stuff they use to put the animals to sleep
:( i was thinking of getting some but i dont think i could inject myself knowing i'd die, plus i don't know where to stick it and everything..what do you guys think of jumping?


Well-known member
yes - every day I get the thought and some days the idea seems a very good one. Have tried several times but all it resulted in was a bit of a mess and a lot more humilitation and un-needed attention, oh and a ride in a cop car :D


Well-known member
I have thought about it on numerous occassions if it ever actually got to the point of doing the deed so to speak...I don't know if I'd actually have the guts to go through with it

Don't get me wrong I'm not scared of dieing, if I got hit by a bus tomorrow the thought doesn't bother me as such however the thought of pain scares the shit out of me so if I did get hit I hope to god it would be quick and :lol:

I have only one meaningful reason to live my life to the full, because a certain person needs me and my guidence, and eventually I will have to be there for that person 24/7 and I will be.


Well-known member
you know most women will not shoot themselves in the head as a means of suicide as they dont want to be found with a mucked-up face?
i find that quite amusing.


Well-known member
Life is indeed a gift. Besides, what are the chances of you coming back at the top of the food chain again?

I have never thought of killing myself. I want to see how this story ends. Killing yourself would really be the ultimate failure.

Having suicidal thoughts may indicate something more happening than plain old SA. Get professional help before it's too late. :(