Hamble said:
However those 3-4 guys that you say women can "pick up" easily more than likely only want the women for one thing and she knows it.
She knows it and still she will pick the guy who want "that thing", im startin to believe she will pick the guy from those 3-4 guys dependig who of them want "the thing" more badly. so shy guys are kind of out of this since they dont show that they also want "the thing" as much as non shy jerks. so at the ened ALL men want "the thing", but jerks show that they want it in a explicit way so girl pick them up i suppose. shy guys might be better at bed but they have no oportunity to show while not in bed.
Hamble said:
And as for the 3 guys left alone...surely there are more women out there for them? Is there a shortage of women in the world?.
Yeah, except in China, there was a law some years ago tellin couples to only have one kid due overpopulation.. this worked for a few years and th enumber of people were reduced in some terms...but with the pass of years more male and male babys were botn without many female babys, the natural balance was broken due that law. So in the present days, there is a overpopulation of chinese males and a lack of chinese women (at least in that country) wich has lead to almost a fourth ( or third) of the chinese population to be either alone or becomes homosexual. very sad situation to live in china if you are a male right now.
I was the guest discussin this with you hamble, i dont mean to disagree with you in any sense, but i think about this and i thought on posting it.
peace and hugs- hope ur doing alright

. 747, oh and a hug to worrydoll too, since she gave one to all of us

. bye all.