suicide may be the only way certain people will feel better


Well-known member
going back to the original topic, i think it is the only answer if that person refuses to even try and gain a different attitude. but really in a way that's just common sense. if they didn't have that attitude they wouldn't be suicidal.
how bout we all refrain from killing ourselves?

as for the guys viewing girls issue, i'm with hamble. they are all different. i've never really noticed chicks not wanting an insecure guy, it's not something that would put me off.


Well-known member
I'm in the middle when it comes to the women issue. On the one hand the guys are right when they say that it is probably harder for a guy to get a girl than it is the other way around. Guys in general are just more despearte for female attention than girls are for guys (girls if you ever need a boyfriend just go to any star trek convention and you can probably have your pick..and you don't need to be necessarily model looking either) On the other hand there IS a girl out there for you, even though its probably hard to find her. Its hard for shy guys coz we don't go out meeting women..and the kind of girls who would be attracted to us are relatively few in the general population. But they are out there. You just have to keep searching..sitting around complaining about it isn't going to get you anywhere closer to getting a girl..and girls..I've learned..aren't really attracted to guys who constantly complain that they can't get girls. So shy guys...(and I"m one of them) my advice to you is that..yes you have it harder than most guys..but its not still can get a girl if you try. There's someone for everyone


Well-known member
yeah dude..dont kill yourself over a woman or lack of woman..its not worth is so much more than women and'll find a lady..but until then concentrate on other things...


Well-known member
well i do what makes me happy, but it isolates me from society so i really don't have any hope of getting better..

playing computer games and being by myself is fun for me


Well-known member
I have these tapes by Dr. Thomas A, Richards that i found on eMule. They really do put alot of hope into you.


Well-known member
"Overcoming Social Anxiety, Social Phobia - Step By Step.rar"

look it up on eMule or eDonkey... theres 15 tapes and the file is 1gig.


I feel like dying a lot lately too. Ive just been so depressed lately because I dont know what Im gonna do with my life after I get out of college. Im so scared of looking for a career when I graduate and I just dont know if there will be jobs out there for which I will be qualified. I have been crying so much lately cause I do not know what to do. Not to mention that my personal sux. I have never had any real boyfriend and I'm already 21! So I kinda know some of the emotions you might be feeling. The only thing that has kept me from killig myself is my religion. Instead I pray a lot to God to let me die but so far it has not worked. Im still miserable.
Ok, I just found out yesterday that I'm a sufferer of SA. I mean I knew my whole life I had a social problem, but I always thought it was extreme shyness. However...this never made me depressed at any level. And since I haven't been depressed, I haven't been really that suicidal.

There are great things in this world, the gift of life being the greatest, and I have no clue why ANYONE would want to end this just because they have a disorder. Do people with ADD want to commit suicide? No, so why should you with a different disorder?


Psycho_Pericles, ADD is just a big marketing scheme. All those drugs where and still are way over proscribed and are highly addictive.
Denying ADD is just like denying SP/SA...and we don't like when people do that to us, so why deny those who suffer from ADD (my sister being one)?

And drugs are not the solution to anything other than fighting infections/bacteria IMO...


Well-known member
Hamble said:
However those 3-4 guys that you say women can "pick up" easily more than likely only want the women for one thing and she knows it.

She knows it and still she will pick the guy who want "that thing", im startin to believe she will pick the guy from those 3-4 guys dependig who of them want "the thing" more badly. so shy guys are kind of out of this since they dont show that they also want "the thing" as much as non shy jerks. so at the ened ALL men want "the thing", but jerks show that they want it in a explicit way so girl pick them up i suppose. shy guys might be better at bed but they have no oportunity to show while not in bed.

Hamble said:
And as for the 3 guys left alone...surely there are more women out there for them? Is there a shortage of women in the world?.

Yeah, except in China, there was a law some years ago tellin couples to only have one kid due overpopulation.. this worked for a few years and th enumber of people were reduced in some terms...but with the pass of years more male and male babys were botn without many female babys, the natural balance was broken due that law. So in the present days, there is a overpopulation of chinese males and a lack of chinese women (at least in that country) wich has lead to almost a fourth ( or third) of the chinese population to be either alone or becomes homosexual. very sad situation to live in china if you are a male right now.

I was the guest discussin this with you hamble, i dont mean to disagree with you in any sense, but i think about this and i thought on posting it.
peace and hugs- hope ur doing alright :). 747, oh and a hug to worrydoll too, since she gave one to all of us :p . bye all.