Success with Iontophoresis Machines, what's it like?


Active member
Hey guys,

Just received my Idromed 5 PS machine in the mail today after waiting anxiously for the last 10+ days. I know that our condition is not well-known and I have been taking everything I've heard as far as a solution with a grain of salt, but I can't help but hope a bit that this might be able to give me my life back or at least improve it drastically after reading about stories with people experiencing success with iontophoresis.

My questions to you guys who have been given dry hands and feet is:

- After you guys use the machine for some time and figure out what works best for you guys to keep your hands (and feet dry), do they stay dry?

As in are they just dry under cool circumstances or are they dry 100%? As in running outside in the heat, rubbing your hands together, thinking your hands/feet sweating, any feelings of anxiety/nervousness, touching lotion, etc. All of those things can immediately cause my hands and subsequently my feet and sometimes armpits to sweat.

- Has anyone used these machines for their armpits?

- With the idromed 5 ps do you guys have any idea as to how I should begin my firs treatment today in terms of volts? I am assuming that I should start at the lowest setting and each day move up 1 until I hit the maximum allowed for each body part by the idromed.

Any other tips once again would be appreciated, keeping my fingers crossed here. If this doesn't work Robinul is next for me.


Well-known member
I have been using ionto for a couple months and my hands are not 100% dry, but they are a lot better then before. It still depends on temperature and situation for how much they will sweat.

Like you mentioned, I would start at a low setting and work your way up. You will probably be more sensitive in the beginning and over time you will be able to increase the volts to the recommended setting.

Give it at least 7 treatments before you expect to see results. Good luck!


Active member
So I am now today on my 4th straight day of treatment. I just wanted to run over a couple of things with you guys to make sure I am putting myself in the best position for success with the Idromed 5 PS.

- I am doing both hands at one time then my feet at one time, both at the max of 15ma for hands and 25ma for feet with the positive on my right hand and foot and negative on left hand and foot. The guide says to switch polarities every 5 sessions so after tomorrow I'll do negative on my right hand and foot and positive on my left hand and foot.

- The water level I am using is covering the palms of my hands and also the first set of joints next to my finger nails to help cover some of my thumb which is kind of tilted when it is laid flat, is this ok?

- I am using warm tap-water

So all in all I am doing 30 mins each day (15 for hands, 15 for feet), so far am I on the right track? Thanks guys!!


Well-known member
25mA seems a bit high. Did the instructions say to go that high? Your water level and routine sound fine. Everyone has a slightly different routine. For the water, personally I prefer it cold because I think it make the skin less sensitive and less wrinkled. Let us know how your progress goes.


Active member
Hey guys,

Just an update and not the update I wished I could give everyone, a little bit bummed so far but trying to still find a solution that works for me. It's been 16 days straight of 15MA on my hands for 15 minutes and 25MA on my feet for 15 minutes switching polarities every 5 days with my Idromed 5 PS. And it's hard to describe but overall I don't think anything has happened so far as far as a net gain or loss.

In detail after these 16 days I have had much worse sweating in my hands and feet ONCE they get started (I think, maybe I am just attributing the increased sweat due to my ionto instead of possibly the heat but it is worse than I remember from last summer). I think that time-wise I am maybe a bit dryer longer when I am inside my AC'd house, but as soon as step outside in the heat BOOM my hands and feet start pouring. Even just driving my car with the AC on my hands still sweat pretty bad.

What I wanted to ask you guys is when am I supposed to know if this thing is going to work or not, with the results or lack thereof I've gotten these last 16 days straight is it even worth it for me to keep this routine up? I am thinking of dropping the ionto and moving to the next step of glyco (Robinul 2mg pills) because I really want my hands to be dry in public (which is not happening with ionto). I am a heathy young guy and I think that I can withstand the side-effects of taking glyco 5-6 days a week although I understand everyone is different. I am kind of rushing to switch to glyco because my school is starting in a bit and I'd like to have a routine down that works best for me with glyco IF it ends up even working for me at all.

What do you guys think? Thanks so much


Well-known member
Most people would noticed a difference within 10 trials. If you have done it every day, you might want to try every other day to give your hands and feet a rest. Sometimes giving some time in between actually works better.

For the Glyco, you can start it any time, but I know you don't want to do both at the same time because then it is hard to tell which one is working.

I would say try the ionto every 2 or 3 days. If it is still not working, start the Glyco a few days before you go back to school to test it out.


Well-known member
The problem can very well be the WATER quality in your area. This has has proved to be a problem for me when I spend part of the year in a neighboring state. Ionto would magically just stop working. In your case it never started to work...yet. I solved the problem by bringing water in from my primary resident state and what really saved me was adding rain water to my trays. Within several days of treatment with 1/2 rainwater mixture Ionto started to work again.