Stuterring -- what?


Well-known member
Lately ive been finding it hard to speak clearly, has anyone found that anxiety can affect your speech patterns. When i get really nervous i start to stutter and i can't get the words out, i have to really force them out. This is very new for me, normally i cope well but lately the anxiety is affecting me in this way. Anyone relate tot this? Any tips on a cure?


yea some times ill have to stop what im saying and take a breathe. Its hard because its easy to become more anxious because of the stutter :(


Well-known member
all the time

Anxiety when talking is prob the worst thing. I think to myself how obvious it will be for other people to tell i have anxiety after they hearhow my voice sounds when I talk.

And i have SA/performance anxiety, so thats definitely why. My voice is naturally softer, so when my anxiety is in full swing, I feel like i have NO control over my voice whatsoever. At times (even by myself) I cant sing to songs...talking to people in noisy places can definitely be a problem. ya its annoying! grrrr


Well-known member
yes I feel hard while talking, and sometime anxiety becomes high that I say completely non-understandable sentences, and have to say it several times till the other person understand. I feel anxious about that but I got used to it :?


Well-known member
i deffinately do this. i mix up all my words, especially if i don't think someone cares about what i'm saying, i'll start talking softer and softer and then people usually start interupting me haha


Well-known member
Same here. I find it difficult start a sentence and say certain words when I'm in an uncomfortable social situation. The words get blocked in my throat somehow.


Well-known member
Yea I do the same thing and start to stutter when i get really nervous.I did that yesterday when I went to the video store.The guy had to ask me 3 time before I could get it out right.:(