Stressed, Anxious and Miserable


Well-known member
I started a new job which I like, but my anxiety is through the roof. Doing simple everyday things has become a nightmare. Yesterday I couldn’t even remember how to divide 99, or spell accommodation. I’m also having trouble recalling information and listening. It’s so embarrassing especially when it happens in front of coworkers. I’m really stressed out that people will think I’m stupid. I’m also paranoid because I notice that a lot of people are whispering around me. I’ve been exercising, eating healthy, thinking positive thoughts and facing my fears but nothing seems to work. I’m afraid I’m about to be fired. What should I do? :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
You seem like you are headed in the right direction. Maybe you want to go talk to someone like a therapist or psychologist. Maybe some relaxation techniques to help calm yourself down will help.


Well-known member
I think you're trying too hard to be perfect, and every little mistake takes your anxiety to a whole new level. My advice would be for you to take a deep breath when your anxiety's causing confusion, count to five, and proceed with the task at hand. Your breathing's probably shallow in those situations, and breathing slowly and deeply will fill your body with precious oxygen which in turn will help you focus and think more clearly.

So: relax, acknowledge that nobody's perfect and everyone around you messes up too, breathe into it, and keep going.
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Well-known member
Snap, I'm going through many of these exact things.
  • Having trouble doing even simple things thanks to anxiety? Check.
  • Afraid of looking stupid when these things happen? Check.
  • Feel like I'm not doing well? Check.
This week was intense. On the verge of tears a number of times. I've been really miserable and anxious. At the end of the week, everyone in this training class had two-on-ones with two of the instructors. I was sure I was in trouble.

But I wasn't. I was "meeting expectations." I told them that I was surprised and that I felt like I was failing. They said that I was "determined to succeed" or some such. Apparently this class is supposed to be really hard.

I haven't solved my problems by any means. Still get nervous. Still not happy. But I felt a lot better after that interview. The veterans are sometimes quite understanding of us new folks. I can't shake the sense that what they want to see is that we're trying.

I can't really offer any specific advice, but I thought I'd say that we're out there in the trenches with you! Keep us updated.