Stress test


Well-known member
I liked this one:Discover what causes your stress

Choose 3 scenarios out of these four:
- A group of people taking photographs
- A galloping horse
- A house with a garden
- A statue of the goddess of Venus

Left out the group of people=Tired over human relationships

Left out the horse=Tired over work

Left out the house=Tired with matters concerning the family

Left out the statue=Tired with matters of the heart

I left out the group of people. Most of you will do the same,I suppose?


Well-known member
He he! What are those people taking photographs of? As long as they are busy I guess they won't be paying attention to me.


Well-known member
cLavain said:
He he! What are those people taking photographs of? As long as they are busy I guess they won't be paying attention to me.
:lol: :lol: I hadn't noticed that!