strangers who randomly talk to you, doncha just hate it?


Well-known member
i was in a shop and i had to wait in the que, then all of a sudden this guy from behind started makin conversation with me:

guy: lovely weather isn't it?
me: yeah
guy: this is a great country
me: i know, it is isn't it *fake laugh*

i was just thinkin to myself "earth swallow me now", i just hate it when this happens. i know they're trying to be nice but still! has anyone encountered a situation like this? and had a random stranger try to make conversation with you outta nowhere?


Well-known member
MariahCarey said:
i was in a shop and i had to wait in the que, then all of a sudden this guy from behind started makin conversation with me:

guy: lovely weather isn't it?
me: yeah
guy: this is a great country
me: i know, it is isn't it *fake laugh*

i was just thinkin to myself "earth swallow me now", i just hate it when this happens. i know they're trying to be nice but still! has anyone encountered a situation like this? and had a random stranger try to make conversation with you outta nowhere?

Yes. If you can think of something to say back and maybe start a conversation it can be very helpful. The only thing is some times it could be a person who is interested in you sexually: which is often a bit lame, specially is you are heterosexual and they are homosexual (or vice versa). Anyway, except for those weird cases...I must say that about a year ago I would have hated them talking to me. But now, more and more, I realize that I want to talk to people. I actually need society for my survival so it is in my best interest to be talkative. If someone talks to you, I would see it as a chance to be a bit more happy in life.


Well-known member
It can be frustrating when strangers try to talk to you. Sometims I like it and am happy because it feels good to be noticed. But, sometimes I just don't have the energy for it. I guess I also dislike it because I don't know what to say back. I end up looking bored, bitchy, or boring.


Well-known member
I like it nowadays. Makes me feel normal and like someone is acknowledging the wonderfully unique individual that I am. :lol:


Active member
yeah, i get that sometimes, especially serving customers at work

the worst thing about it is often i don't know what to say back, hence might come across as a little rude & self-absorbed (although i do try to be pleasant & seem interested) which frustrates me

& if i do try to say something, it's often quite forced/awkward, & so i end up regretting what i said or how i said it afterwards

i guess you learn through experience though :?


Well-known member
Strangers rarely talk to me, but generally I like it when it happens. It helps to make me feel that I'm approachable rather than standoffish.

However, I can appreciate the drawbacks of not knowing what to say to them, and how to end the conversation. Also, if I feel as if the conversation went badly, then I can dwell on it for some time.


Active member
I love it when random people talk to me out of nowhere. I charm them with my wit and make them laugh and fall in love with me. But i must say, the way they walk away carrying a weird expression on their face always puzzles me :?


Active member
whenever this happens to me all that goes throuhg my head are the words "please stop talking to me" but then i'd get paranoid if they didn't talk to me.


Well-known member
YES i hated this so much when I had the worst part of SA ...

If i noticed some one about to make small talk with me i would just avoid making eye contact.

But looking back on it, I am pretty much all the way recovered.... and over time it was those little things that built my "courage emotional muscles"

Like without those little daily things I may not be as recovered. So really you can look at these things we try to avoid as opportunity to grow.


New member
As ironic as it seems, I've tried resorting to talking to random women in public, on the street, etc. When I looked back, it was quite a feat considering how much anxiety I had to fight in the process.. unfortunately, I came off as very creepy every time so I stopped.