Anonymous said:
<but i don't think the way the girl acts is normal either, what do you think? >
The girl wants to be left alone..whats not normal about that? What part of “leave me alone” don’t you understand?
1.You spend countless hours learning her language so you can say something to impress her…doesn’t work. Then you proceed to rationalize by saying that she might not have realized how much work and time when into learning that phrase. (quote) “Maybe she just didn't realize that he had learned it only for her sake. She might have thought he had learned it somewhere by chance and just wanted to show off a little with it.“
2.You spend (?) long researching music and creating a CD with songs you ‘think’ she’ll like – and again, give it to her expecting some sort of result which doesn’t happen. She wants you to leave her alone…that’s her privilege…she doesn’t owe you anything.
3.You tried to convince her to email you – again she doesn’t want to. She doesn’t HAVE to either. Yet inspite of that – and on top of the fact she does not give you her email address willingly, you look it up and send her unsolicited mail. (quote) “Fortunately he was able to track down her e-mail address in the internet. Hence he wrote a long and sentimental e-mail.“ Then, after she doesn’t answer you blame her for your unhappiness. (quote 1) Being ignored after such a disarming letter was like being shot with the white flag in hands. (quote 2) „When he talked to her for the first time, he thought next time she would do the first step and save him the effort of overcoming his shyness. He thought she would talk to him or at least signal willingness for talking with him, but she never did him this favour. She would keep herself turned away from him. And with every approach he made that failed to change this situation, he became more and more insecure and nervous about talking to her, but also about talking to girls in general. He's always been shy and reserved, but now was absolutely discouraged for making social contacts. He didn't want to end up again feeling like an obtrusive creep.“
I think I have made my case and point. Yes, you are stalking – yes you are obsessed, and yes you are wrong to continue the behavior. Any behavior focused on another person that is NOT solicited nor wanted is a form of abuse. Making up excuses for your behavior, blaming the victim for your feelings is abuse. You even went as far as to blame her NATIONALITY for being part of the reason she wants to be left alone.
Its much the same thing we tell people about rape – NO MEANS NO. I just feel bad that the girl is shy and that theres a language barrier preventing her from saying that magic word. So I say it for her….read the signs…LEAVE ME ALONE.
:evil: I couldn't help it to express my anger towards this post. I just want to strangle and beat the hell out of this person who wrote this.
So, dear miss, as I presume you are a girl who went through the same experience as the girl the author of this topic was trying to be with, I don't know if you are a social phobic or just shy or just a wise ass who wants to be heard.
But that doesn't give u the right to speak like this, when I see this kind of advice it just makes me shoot the person who gives it. If you said that to me it would have hurt like hell, but you probablly don't know how much harm and pain can insults like that can bring to us sp-ers.
It sounds to me like u ment: ''f*ck off loser, are you mentally retarded or something and can't see that she never wants to see or talk to you again, stalker...I don't know why do u keep trying and , u don't even stand a chance, leave her alone, freak''
Sorry if I offended anyone, but I had to let that out (not an excuse I know) and tell guest named RW to learn to give an advice without criticism and without making feel the other like a loser or the last man on earth :!:
I didn't say that what he did is wrong or wright and I didn't suggested that he should keep trying or stop contacting her. I was very irritaded by the way RW made her/his point.