I have a great deal of difficulty smiling when I'm being introduced to somebody for the first time. The better I know someone, the easier it is for me to smile. For example, I'm a mama's boy, so it's very easy for me to smile around my mother.
On the other hand, when I meet a stranger, regardless of how attractive or nice they are, I have difficulty smiling. This phenomenon is very frustrating because there are a lot of lovely ladies at the college I attend, and sometimes I think ladies assume my expressionless face means I don't like them.
Does anybody else have difficulty smiling when meeting strangers?
I've been trying to understand this phenomenon for years, but I just can't figure it out. My best guess is that I'm too anxious, and people need to be relaxed to smile.
Or, it may be much more complex. For example, when I meet a lovely lady I feel mixed emotions. I'm happy that an attractive, nice girl is willing to talk to me, but at the same time I feel sad because I know a girl like that could never like me because of my SA. Beautiful ladies want "normal" socially apt guys.