

Crstal meth dosent cause your teeth to rot cos of dodgy chems used to make it (this may contribute) its because it's a powerful stimulant that dries your mouth out which leads to decay and since stims obliterate the urge to drink (and eat and sleep) the mouth stays dry

Ritalin and dex will do exactly the same IF ABUSED... trust me i need porcelien caps more root canals and god knows how many fillings to bring my teeth up to scratch.

But none of us would ever dream of abusing our meds now would we :p

Thats all I meant... carry on


By abuse I basically mean taking more than the required dose.

Take me for example, I used to be presrcibed 3 x 5mg tablets of dexamphetamine sulphate per day, so 15mg all up.

However I never used to take them properly, I would save them and have a weeks worth in one go, say 10 - 14 tablets all at once and go out dancing and stay awake all w/end (and possibly longer), and when that wore off I'd have more.

This is what I mean by abusing stimulants which I for one will always do whenever I am prescibed them hence my decision to come off them cos I cannot trust myself.

NOTE: I am not condoning the abuse of stimulants I am merely sharing my experience with others by letting them know that stims are EXTREMLEY habit forming if not addictive and can have very detrimental effects to ones mental and physical health so in short DONT DO IT



Well-known member
Hey silent fart, or type, or whatever they call you......
Listen to this you recalcitrant (only word that best describes you) When you brush and you bleed it's just a matter of time, before you concede. Meaning brush your teeth twice a day to keep that dentist far away.


Well-known member
Furthermore drop the intellectual bullshit. Most of those guys know what they need to do. Yes they really do.. Any decent guy would now confront you and tear your fucken head off. Unfortunately we may all have to accept a different result.....


Wow the only thing I've ever tried to do on this forum is help other people who have the same type of problem as me. Why do you hold such a grudge against me Johno?



Well-known member
I don't. I'm really such a nice guy. Sometimes, god knows why. I like to stir the pot a little. It won't happen again. No more nasty johno.. After all we're all in the same boat here. We should be supporting each other.
How are you today Silent?? Where you from??? Look I live in Aussie land and guess what, I'm sick of the Obama, Clinton marathon......... Go Mccain. Thats if we can get his heart started...


Shit, if McCain wins the election then its gonna be just like another 4 years of George Bush. War mongering bastards...



Well-known member
Yes, that is the popular argument. However, unlike most. I'd like to say let's welcome it (mccain). Has anyone considered the realistic alternatives? Let’s just consider a withdrawal in some part. Iam sure most people would acknowledge that at the moment in Iraq there is a fine balance between peace and conflict. Voting for a democrat may just tip that balance. That just might mean major internal conflicts in Iraq, more safe grounds for terrorists, possible breeding ground for terrorists. Furthermore a withdrawal from Iraq could lead to a common belief that the USA lost the war. Therefore giving encouragement to many a dictatorship


We shouldn't even have gone to Iraq in the first place. G.W. just wanted to finish papa's business, simple as that.



Well-known member
just out of a matter of interest was there a vote beore a decide to invade iraq


Well-known member
OK. Hindsight is a wonderfull thing...
So is world opinion....
Although it probably means nothing...
Many people (I don't always agree with them) from all walks of life, like to talk about the USA losing in Vietnam and now losing in Iraq. They didn't mention Korea. Do they have a point????