Steps to improvement


Well-known member
1. See a therapist and do absolutely everything they ask you to do.
2. Take antidepressents if they are suggusted to you (they enabled me to function).
3. Pursue your primary interest (mine is and was mathematics).
4. If you're intrested in mathematics, go to your school's math center and work there. Similarly, if you're a psych student, work in a location that is attractive to many psych students.
5. When you're ready, start a conversation with some of the other students at said location regarding the material. IE ( Let V be a vector space...; what do you think of behaviorism?)
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
6. Try to be creative in your studies by creating novel problems that challenge you. Share these problems with the set of people that you have started to talk to.
8. Maintain this type of behavior.

Just so you know, this is exactly what I did and my anxiety has ameiliorated substancialy.