statistically is there more men with sa?


there has to be ive never met a female (offline) that has it
* runs to google*


nope im wrong guess it's where i live
# 5.3 million adult Americans (3.7% of the population) have social anxiety disorder.
# Women are twice as likely as men to have social anxiety disorder.
# Social anxiety disorder usually begins in childhood or early adolescence and rarely after age 25


Well-known member
But we still have a four times higher probability of committing suicide. It really sucks to be a guy :roll:


Well-known member
I always believed that women would be far lower then men only because with men or for example the cliched male in our society is seen as the alpha(male) who must act manly(testosterrone) and thats more restricting where as females seem to have more flexibility in terms of charisma, also men are supposed to be the hunters and have the added pressure of financing a family(not always i know but in a warped society kind of way :lol: )..... that made no sense at all.....its hard to explain it, obviously a persona is exaclty that....... its the influence that a certain gender can have on that personality that may affect people in different ways, take me for example if i was the same person but a female would i handle my life differently? to my persona as a guy?....jeeeeesuz! who knows?

i think statistically if you polled evey person around the globe with a form of SA genderwise it would be fairly even now that i think about it with men perhaps a little higher, its more based on personality and environments but gender also has an affect because there is a certain stigma attached to being male or female, different pressures and responsibilities layed down by societies conditioning, but in this day and age women are more accepted in terms of employment opportunities in management roles and sport and its slowly levelling out as we head into the start of the 21st century!!

also i would say that almost everyone in existance has suffered some form of SA, even confident people can be anxious, but when it hangs around like a bad smell then its more serious and needs to be dealt with, im at a stage now where im sick of it, ive just had enough of allowing it to stop me in my tracks and career!


Well-known member
Like OG, I've read that more women than men have been clinically diagnosed with SAD. Though, it's been suggested that just as many men have it, but that they are less likely to seek treatment.

I don't really know what I think about it.