Hi everyone. I'm new here
As you can see from the title i am starting university in less than 2 weeks (in Newcastle). I am extremely nervous and stressed about this to the extent that i literally cannot stop thinking about it, i am struggling to sleep and i have no apeitite (i usually eat loads!), just felt that i needed to have a bit of a rant on here about it, i have been browsing from time to time.
The main thing that is getting to me, is that i have some good friends that i got to know well at college, and i got on with them great at college too and i am going to Uni with them, but i just can't stop thinking about how i am going to act when i meet them up again, because i havn't seen them for quite a while so i keep thinking that i should act really friendly and when it comes to it i keep thinking i won't know what to say etc.
I just had another bad experience today i phoned a friend up who i havn't seen for quite a while to meet up (that is a positive in itself in know because before i wouldn't have even rang them up at all), but it was awful and embarrassing, i literally froze all the time i was there and i couldn't muster a word, i even told him that this was really awkward and hard for me, and that made me feel a bit better because then he sort of knew about it. That is the main problem, we want to hide all this away from our friends etc, but if we just told them about our problems it would be so much easier because we wouldn'tworry about how to act around them.
I am really worried about this but i know that i HAVE to do it because i need to break away and i need to be exposed all of the time i think it is the only way out of this, but at the moment my confidence is rock bottom and i can'st stop worrying, i have been doing things like weights and going for runs, and it helps when i do it but the worries soon come back and basically cripple everything i do!
Anyone got any thoughts how i can stop worrying so much? And advice? Any thing really lol sorry for the long post.
As you can see from the title i am starting university in less than 2 weeks (in Newcastle). I am extremely nervous and stressed about this to the extent that i literally cannot stop thinking about it, i am struggling to sleep and i have no apeitite (i usually eat loads!), just felt that i needed to have a bit of a rant on here about it, i have been browsing from time to time.
The main thing that is getting to me, is that i have some good friends that i got to know well at college, and i got on with them great at college too and i am going to Uni with them, but i just can't stop thinking about how i am going to act when i meet them up again, because i havn't seen them for quite a while so i keep thinking that i should act really friendly and when it comes to it i keep thinking i won't know what to say etc.
I just had another bad experience today i phoned a friend up who i havn't seen for quite a while to meet up (that is a positive in itself in know because before i wouldn't have even rang them up at all), but it was awful and embarrassing, i literally froze all the time i was there and i couldn't muster a word, i even told him that this was really awkward and hard for me, and that made me feel a bit better because then he sort of knew about it. That is the main problem, we want to hide all this away from our friends etc, but if we just told them about our problems it would be so much easier because we wouldn'tworry about how to act around them.
I am really worried about this but i know that i HAVE to do it because i need to break away and i need to be exposed all of the time i think it is the only way out of this, but at the moment my confidence is rock bottom and i can'st stop worrying, i have been doing things like weights and going for runs, and it helps when i do it but the worries soon come back and basically cripple everything i do!
Anyone got any thoughts how i can stop worrying so much? And advice? Any thing really lol sorry for the long post.