Starting to feel better already!


Well-known member
As I mentioned in some other threads, I have started doing affirmations a couple times a day. I wrote down a full page of stuff I like about myself, and where I'd like to be in a year (socially, physically, emotionally). It also has stuff like "I can beat social anxiety, I am a winner, I will overcome the problems" on it. I read the page aloud in a calm voice a few times a day.

Well, today as I was leaving work, I got into a conversation with this guy I know. We started talking, and somehow I just forgot to be anxious. It was weird! I just...had stuff to day, and he seemed interested to hear it. And when he said things, for some reason I had actual replies other than the shy person replies we all know so well "Cool", "Neat", "Interesting", "Ah". We probably talked for 10 min! Right in the hallway, and not only was I able to talk to him, I didn't care that other people were around us and hearing us!! Both of these things were major sources of anxiety for me in the past. Toward the end, I still had things to say, but I started getting anxious again when I realized that I was actually talking to someone, and excused myself.

But damn that felt good!

I'm 27 and have no friends and have never been on a date...if I can do it, you can do it too!!! :D


Well-known member
wow congrats! Thats incredible!
Thank you, you gave me hope which i almost lost!
i read affirmations too, but i do it too seldom. I have read about guy who completely overcame SP just by reading these affirmations. It seems that reading affirmations really work!


I'm afraid to write them down and read them aloud, fearing my parents would discover and be like WTF.


Well done buddy,

I know what you mean, I hate anything where third parties can hear me talking to another, because I always figure it doesn't sound normal what I say.

Action is the enemy of thought,

good luck and keep on it.



Well-known member
LUEshi said:
I'm afraid to write them down and read them aloud, fearing my parents would discover and be like WTF.

you don't necessarely have to read them aloud, you can go over them in your mind, but what IS very important is that you put emotion in those thoughts, really picture how u'd feel if those things would be already true, emotion is the subconcious' best friend! (even our subconcious has a best friend =p)

Well done Falcon!
pls keep us up to date :)


Well-known member
I have been practicing this positive thinking a while now, and it does work, slowly, but surely. No, I actually have not written anything down, but I do say it in my head. I tell myself positive things: like 1) I am relaxed; 2) I love being around people; 3) people are so much fun to be around ; 4) life is beautiful; 5) everything is worth enjoying; 6) I love to work; 7) etc....etc....etc... My nerves have not change from one day to the next. In fact it has all been a slow and painful process, but worth the pain. Like so many people say, no positive pain, no positive gain.


Well-known member
These types of excercises never did anything for me, honestly. I found my meaning in philosophy, on a mental level. But to each their own. We all want the same thing, and there are many paths to choose. I am confident that if you stick to what helps you overcome SA, then you WILL be where you want to be socially, physically, and emotionally in the years to come.