Starting to avoid a friend


Well-known member
So I have this friend who is in my program but she is one year after me, we became friends rather quickly since October of last year.

So with time I got to know her more and I got to say that there is a few things about her that really bothered me, yet I still tried to be her friend.

I used to answer to her text or msn everyone now and then, but now I simply don't want to talk with her anymore. I haven't contacted her on a voluntary base for months. It's always her that initiate it. She keep asking me to do things with her and I always decline.

She did nothing wrong but she is very random and immature and at first it didn't bother me now I want to avoid her at all cost. With time I just got tired of the way she is and keep on increasing. The sad thing she told me that what happens with her friends after a while is that they just disappear and I told her I wouldn't do that, but now I'm doing it.

It's been 6 days that I haven't return any of her messages, the longest period we didn't talk. How do you tell someone that her personality and the way she is is her very problem? Everyone wants to be accept for who they are, not by what others want them to be.


Well-known member
I agree that everyone wants to be accepted but there's nothing wrong with communicating with her what you've observed to be the isn't asking her to turn into someone else, it's simply asking her to do some soul searching and work on personal growth.

i think disappearing on her or blowing her off is cruel and I think you're better than that.

The key to any relationship,friendships included, is strong communication. Write her a letter and let her read it if it's hard for you to convey your issues to her face to face.

Just try to be constructive rather than accusatory or cold.


Well-known member
Well at some point I did tell her that she was really annoying, but nothing came out of it. I don't know how I can start that type of convo with her, since she always change subject mid convo, but I'll try.

Thanks for the response


Well-known member
if she's one of those people then definitely go with writing something rather than talking. don't give her the opportunity to interrupt you. Good luck:)