How exactly does one make money making posts and replying to other people's posts?
"Revenue sharing" is where you enter your Google Adsense info into your account profile, and the site rotates your info with the site owners so you get a certain number of page impressions. (Google Adsense are ads by Google, where every click someone makes in an ad you get a small amount of money, usually only a cent or so.)
Usually it's something like the site owners ad showing up 80% of the time, then the last 20% is divided up between the posters.
But making money from Google Adsense is not very practical unless you have a
very popular site. People have begun to ignore ads more and more, and the click-throuh rates on ads are so low. So say 1000 ad clicks at 1 cent is still only $10.
Because of this (and almost all ad revenue), most forum owners never see profit from their forums and only run it as a hobby.