Started using an im2a Iontophoresis treatment.


I am a sufferer of hyperhidrosis since birth, both my hands and feet sweat at the same rate on average 70% of the day and gets worse when in unfamiliar situations and meeting new people or when im nervous. Really does effect my confidence and i wish i never had it. I am based in Melbourne Australia and i have recently bought an Iontophoresis machine and it is working well, i have carried out 5 treatments and i can already see massive improvemnts but it could be better. More treatment needed.

Now i am only treating my hands at the moment and it is instructed to do both my hands and feet if i have hyperhidrosis on each but i haven't treated my feet yet. I did notice that once my hands were treated and dont sweat my feet dont either and its only when my hands start sweating that my feet start. Has anybody else used this method of treatment and found when they just treated their hands that their feet also stop sweating??
Any advice or past experiences you would like to share would be kindly appreciated.


Soy Sauce

Well-known member
Yes, that's what happens with me too. When my hands stop sweating due to iontophoresis treatments, my feet automatically stop sweating too. I've never had to treat my feet before.
Thanks for the reply, wonder why they supply trays for the feet if if treatment of the hands elimates sweat in the feet too!! Did you need to do much treatments at first before you went for a few days without any sweating what so ever? My hands tend to sweat a small bit now if im nervous etc and this is my third week using the machine. Used it a totol of 6 times now. Do you use deodrant as well to keep the sweat away between treatments of iontopheresis? Thanks, Martin

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
I guess not everybody's feet stop sweating when their hands do. Luckily for us, it seems to be linked so we only have to do our hands.

I had to do quite a few treatments before my hands stopped sweating. I don't remember how many hours of treatment it took, but it was more than 8 I think, which is more then I was told it would take. So don't get discouraged if the results don't come as fast as you hoped.

I don't use deodorants or anything like that. I don't even do maintenance treatments, I just leave my hands alone till they start sweating again, to the point where it's getting annoying and then I'll start treatments again.

I recently switched from the Drionic unit, which was my first iontophoresis device and have used for about 5 years, to the Hidrex unit. I haven't actually had success yet using the Hidrex, but I've only done about 1.5 hrs of treatment and I've missed a couple days in a row between treaments, which is not recommended.