Star Wars


Well-known member
ok so i barely know the story line and which sequence is coming out but i feel the urge to actually sit and watch all of the previous movies and know what's going on (plus i love the sound effects) before the last one comes out.... buuuut anyone excited bout star wars coming out?


Well-known member
I'm looking forward to seeing it...mainly because it will get me out of the house :lol:


Well-known member
you plannin to see them all in a row? . i did it with lord of the rings and though i liked the movies it was a long day
I did that with Matrix.. and it was long with me as well. :lol:

I, honestly, hate starwars and everything related to outer space and spaceships and this stuff. It is just way unrealistic, I always feel like a kid when I watch it. :?


Well-known member
PG13?? does that include nudity? hayden christianson is a good canidate... jk :wink:

nah, i can't even sit through the excellent phantom of the opera for 3 hours much less two movies in a row. just won't happen. i'll fit them in somewhere :D
I already forgot about the storyline. I watched the first one when I was around 5 years ago when I was 10. And the second one last year
But I'll definitely go.