SPW vs other SA/SP Forums on the Internet


Well-known member
Does anyone here access any other SA/SP forums? if so, do you prefer them to SPW?? I've visited SA-UK and Social Anxiety Support.

SPW is my favourite by far because the layout of the other 2 gives me a headache and there's just too many 'main forums' and members, which makes me feel lost as I don't know where to start. Plus, I really like the posters on this forum and it is a lot smaller.

The only thing I prefer about them though,is that there is more of a balance - there's a wider range of topics, particularly in the forum 'Social Anxiety Support', so there's much more to discuss, whereas in SPW, the overwhelming majority of posts/discussions are related to social anxiety disorder.

Maybe I'm wrong but I feel this is the reason why some people aren't posting as much. It definitely is for me! Ruminating over SA, its symptoms, its effects, its causes, how much it's affecting our lives and so forth is counterproductive and only serves to reinforce the condition.

Obviously, discussions/threads to do with SA are necessary on an SA forum, but I just wish there was more of a balance here, as there is in the other forums.

Does anyone else agree with this?


Well-known member
yeah, i've tried the other places but there's so many people there, it's like, everyone's voices get lost in everyone else's... and it is really friendly here :D


Well-known member
Chilling__Echo said:
yeah, i've tried the other places but there's so many people there, it's like, everyone's voices get lost in everyone else's... and it is really friendly here :D



Well-known member
I occasionally drop off at this forum and SAUK. I refuse to post at SAS anymore as their moderating rivals the Chinese government's censorship policy. That and the arrogance of one of its site operators ensures that I will never waste my time there.
sa forums

There's a new forum created by refugees from SAS, it's at www.sahideout.com. In the past I mostly posted at SAS, but a lot of my posts were changed or deleted. So hopefully I'll be posting more here at SPW and at SA-UK and also at SAH. One of the mods at SAS told me to stop posting about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) because someone there complained. But I feel ACT might be a cure for social anxiety disorder (SAD). Also at SA-UK they complained about me talking about ACT too much. SPW hasn't told me anything about this, so I think SPW is probably the best forum available right now. There's also an ancient website called tapir http://www.algy.com/anxiety/ which I've frequented in the past.


Well-known member
Yea I like this site the best but there not that many others I can think.I can really only think of 2 other that have any traffic on them,off the top of my head.


Well-known member
. this is the only one i know of and its really small . its alright though . i would guess by default this is the best ive come across.


Well-known member
As im doing a degree in web design im going to eventually create a new social anxiety site one that will be better than this and sauk but thats a while off but ill still use this one sometimes.. :D


Well-known member
:arrow: yes i used to frequent sas in the past until they banned me for some reason (long story) anyway now i go to http://www.sahideout.com alot. it has only been going since march & the people there are very friendly. its a small tight nit community. its much smaller than spw. i feel i can be myself there as opposed to here coz they dont lock posts everytime it getz a little heated. nothing there is censored so you can say what you feel. as long as you dont offend anyone. anyway i think people should give it a go! :)