Spacing out while walking in public


i can tell you that now with my new clothes i have a lot more confidence but i still do get really nervous now the problem is like when im walking through the city to uni i kinda space out, like there's so many people using public transport and walking around yet i don't feel nervous at all i don't even think. But like after the day when i go to bed i think about everything i did and wonder how i did it and then i get nervous about what if i did something weird, i also kinda feel light headed and dizzy like after walking in public im not sure what causes that though. It's like i don't process it all though until im out of public then i start to analyze what I've done.

It's like my instincts are controlling me or some **** like that. You know how animals don't think what they do, they just do it instinctively it's like that.
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Well-known member
I got this today, while walking in a busy shopping centre. I get this occasionally. It's almost like you 'space out' as a release from the stress of the moment or something. I find it's really hard to describe. Like you're somewhere else for a moment, then you think you're dreaming, then you realise, oh crap i'm here, did i just space out? That was weird.
Strange things, brains. xD


Well-known member
i use to do that when i was in college.. it's called Dissociation or it could be Depersonalization


Well-known member
I do this same thing. I zone out in most social situations. It's not until much later that I realized I wasn't paying attention to anything I was doing. I wonder if I was foolish or weird or whatever.