[NOTE: sorry for the slightly long and babbly post...I hope you don't mind]
hmm...well those symptoms could be signs of schizophrenia....have you researched it on the net at all? what do you reckon you got? My view of schizophrenia was that it was all about wires getting mixed up, so your senses cross over or are amplified or diminished, or you cry at happy things and laugh at sombre things etc....so I dunno, does that sound like you at all?
cause like personally, I think everybody's a little different, like me, I think I've got some weird concoction of social anxiety, OCD, narcissism and depression....some symptoms I don't have, others I do.....but you know, I try not to focus on which wires are going where in my head, I try to just think about life and whats important....so, like accomodation, finances, family, friends and relationships, career and goals maybe, my faith, etc....
so I dunno...but with the confusion thing...maybe, try thinking about what scares you or worries you the most in the world.....and try and write it all down, I find that helps loads!....of course, if you're anything like me, it's bloody hard to actually know exactly what it is that's worrying you.....it's probably several things......one thing I personally think though [just my opinion]....is that in most people I'd say depression is NOT purely a chemical thing that has NOTHING to do with anything else....I reckon in most cases there are reasons that contribute to the depression, unsolved problems that mount up, and when you start solving these problems the depression starts to lift.....that's how it was with me and most people I've encountered.
but anyway, I read another post of yours on another topic about a girl you're having trouble with, but she really sounds like a nice girl man, and I'd sooo love it if you could sort it out with her....cause that could really REALLY help....a bit of LOVE man can cure everything!.....but I totally understand where you're coming from and I don't happen to agree with what COALPORTER wrote btw [sorry coal!]...Fear can be a bastard sometimes and it makes us do shit we regret, but its fine, i can relate man.
I dunno i just think everybody's got shit, everybody's got crap that they're ashamed of, fears and insecurities...including this girl, and you really seem like a nice bloke, I get the feeling your intentions are honest and good.....but it's just the fear.....I just think you need to tell her exactly what you've written on this forum....that you wish you could call her, but it terrifies you....I dunno....more assumptions here, but again if you're like me, it's probably the fear of...well...rejection....the idea that you'll say hello...but then the conversation will go all awkard and she'll feel bad and not want to be with you anymore....or that basically she'll see all your shit and reject you.......but you wanna know one of the best feelings in the world?......is when you find a person that you just offload ALL your shit onto....like the worst crap that you're so ashamed of and they DONT run away.....better yet they turn around and say I've got shit too.....and instead you work through it together.....that is an insanely great feeling man....infact I'd say that's pretty much what life's all about, i think, personally....LOVE!!!
also, about not having any hobbies etc, I soooo wanna believe that everybody has a gift....something they're great at, or enjoy and love to do, I'm sure of it.....but maybe you just haven't found it yet.....or maybe you're looking in the wrong places....i.e. the obvious places most people look are the art's or specific skills etc.....but it might be something more subtle where you'll find your passion.....I dunno it depends how your brain works....it might just be a spiritual quality that is irrespective of your occupation...like...er....compassion for a certain type of person....or maybe you're a perfectionsist and your passion might be to fine tune the work of another person who isn't so perfectionist....I dunno....but don't give up....keep looking.....there could be a collosal untapped spring inside u just waiting to burst out.....you never know!
and also I just have to say one more thing, [and i'm fully aware of the pluralist, politically correct pressure of society we live in today....so this is just my view]....but for anyone that has depression, to me personally my BEST advice that I'd give you that I believe in SOOOOOO passionately that I could almost GUARANTEE it'd cure you......probably there and then......but if not you'd definitely feel 500% better and that is to LET GOD INTO YOUR LIFE. Now I know there's probably a million stereotypes which have just flooded into your brains but I'm telling you man, the bible is the greatest book in the world and GOD is incredible man, if you just let him in he can do some crazy shit man....I'm totally buzzing right now....this year so far for me has been insanely great.....but just talk to god, silently in your head....just tell him your shit and ask him for help and he sodding will....I know it. read the bible....its amazing.
anywayz...feel free to disagree or just ignore anything.....but I hope you're alright