Something someone said


Well-known member
So, this one co-worker of mine who I always have a fun time talking to and we usually have no problem getting along, said something to me where I didn't know if he was joking or not. He was saying about there was this new employee and he thought she was "hot" or whatever, so he said he put in a good word for me and according to him she said "f*** no"

I asked him if he was serious and he said he was just joking (asked him a few times actually) said he was doing that to everybody lately. Anyway, how do I tell if he really WAS joking, or just saying that to be nice? It seems like he was simply kidding around b/c I haven't seen this new employee around at all (so she probably didn't see me and couldn't make a judgement). I hate stuff like this.


Well-known member
I think that he is joking. If you are close with him, he wouldn't have told you that remark, if she really had said it. I think that's something that he would have kept to himself. If she really had said it, and he wanted to tell you, he would have probably phrased it in a nicer way: "she's not interested in seeing anyone right now, etc."