Someone please HELP


HI guys, my name is Ryan. I am about to turn 22 years old, I am almost 6'2 275 pounds. I could lose a few pounds but the weight seems to be distributed fairly well.

Anyways the reason for my post.

For the last year I have had panic attacks.

I had them under control for a while.

Now I am getting them again but even worse. I used to smoke cigarrettes and weed and drink almost everyday. When I got stoned one day I had a nasty panic attack and was sure I was going to die. Since then( almost 2 years now) I have quit everything, and I have never slipped up once. It was the hardest thing I have ever done.

Lately I will just be playing video games or something and I will just start getting chest pains and palputations. But the worst thing is this lingering feeling or some sort of Aura that I am about to have a heart attack, even if I am not having chest pains, ativan works for a while but this really sucks.

It scares the s*** out of me. I have had ekg's done in the past and they say it looks fine.

Another thing is I am always paranoid about diseases. Everytime I get a pain or an uncomfortable feeling I instantly think I have Cancer. I have never had cancer and I don't really think it's in my family, but if I get a pain in my ribs it's lung cancer. in my chest it's heart cancer, armpit cancer, leg cancer throat cancer, I get a headache I have a brain tumor . I have it alllllllll. Please help me or tell me I am not the only person who feels like this, I am at the end of my rope with this crap!!!


Well-known member
You arent the only one who feels this way. Lately, ive been getting more chest pains than usual, really tight ones. Also, when go from sitting down to standing, it gets worse. And about the cancer thing, i freak out about that too. I never get headaches but lately ive been getting them and im always thinking that its because i have a brain tumor or something.


Well-known member
Looks like your going through a bit of a hypochondriac patch, this is more and more common in this day and age with young people and old people tend to freak out more often then past generations, why? because people know alot more now, alot of that stems from these sorts of worries are diseases being so publicised and freely talked about more these days in the media and seeing a family member get ill,
For you its highly unlikely to be serious and the only way to clear your mind is to first start by addressing the pains yourself, that can be done by changing your diet for a week, if your drinking alot or eating a particular food alot your body starts talking to you and it may be as simple as a week of detoxing your body with water and fruit, vegies ...

it could also be bad posture, if you sit on a computer chair or office chair alot posture can cause pains in you back and front, a pain in your ribs could be loads of things, acid reflux, indigestion, irritibal bowel syndrome, muscle pains, gas, you name it ...

so perhaps eat more fibre, wholemeal breads, nuts fruit and take some aspro ..

exercise more, that may help a little ..

if none of that works then see a doctor and see what they say, if your concerned you'll be referred to a specialist for CT scans or an X-Ray, an easy procedure that is painless and over with quickly ...

it could also be your mind creating it, if you think about it too much then you can talk yourself into pain and soreness because you consciously focus on it all the time ...

you needn't worry too much about cancer until you reach your late 30's in wich case a yearly blood, urine and CT scan all in one day means your keeping an eye on yourself and your levels ...

also its becoming more and more treatable then ever ...

try not to think about it ...

distractions come in all shapes and colours, stay optimistic and try talking yourself into thinking there is nothing wrong with you, they say laughter is the best medicine, try watching your favourite comedy shows all day and do what you enjoy best ...


Wow richey, bro. That was honestly some of the most helpful shit anybody including doctors and family has told me to date.

It may seem like you didnt do much but man oh man was that helpful on releaving some of the insecurity's and questions I had. I am surely going to change my diet and try to improve my posture.

Whenever I tell family about it they all say, it's just anxiety you have to learn to deal with it. Not very helpful but they dont know I suppose.

I really need to stop attributing every pain to cancer when it is likely not the case. I have been like this for about a year and a half, everytime I get it checked out everything is clear. But then I say to myself, If I dont get it checked this time then with my luck it will be cancer. UUUGHHHHH.

I need to chill.

Thanks again richie

you da man


Well-known member
Hey i'm glad i helped, ive seen friends go through the same ordeal, thinking every itch, scratch and sore is the flesh eating abola virus...

your young and that means your immune system is in tip top shape, you'll get pains but mostly its warning signs or your body sending you signals to "stop feeding me this or that and i need more of this" ...

so the solution is to change your routine in terms of maybe, its like i used to come home from TAFE and eat corn chips, so after a while my indigestion was off the charts i came home and ate toast and cashew nuts with a glass of water or cordial instead and it helped, you just have to experiment around to find the source of what's causing the pain, it could be as simple as the way you sit on a computer chair or lack of exercise. ...