HI guys, my name is Ryan. I am about to turn 22 years old, I am almost 6'2 275 pounds. I could lose a few pounds but the weight seems to be distributed fairly well.
Anyways the reason for my post.
For the last year I have had panic attacks.
I had them under control for a while.
Now I am getting them again but even worse. I used to smoke cigarrettes and weed and drink almost everyday. When I got stoned one day I had a nasty panic attack and was sure I was going to die. Since then( almost 2 years now) I have quit everything, and I have never slipped up once. It was the hardest thing I have ever done.
Lately I will just be playing video games or something and I will just start getting chest pains and palputations. But the worst thing is this lingering feeling or some sort of Aura that I am about to have a heart attack, even if I am not having chest pains, ativan works for a while but this really sucks.
It scares the s*** out of me. I have had ekg's done in the past and they say it looks fine.
Another thing is I am always paranoid about diseases. Everytime I get a pain or an uncomfortable feeling I instantly think I have Cancer. I have never had cancer and I don't really think it's in my family, but if I get a pain in my ribs it's lung cancer. in my chest it's heart cancer, armpit cancer, leg cancer throat cancer, I get a headache I have a brain tumor . I have it alllllllll. Please help me or tell me I am not the only person who feels like this, I am at the end of my rope with this crap!!!
Anyways the reason for my post.
For the last year I have had panic attacks.
I had them under control for a while.
Now I am getting them again but even worse. I used to smoke cigarrettes and weed and drink almost everyday. When I got stoned one day I had a nasty panic attack and was sure I was going to die. Since then( almost 2 years now) I have quit everything, and I have never slipped up once. It was the hardest thing I have ever done.
Lately I will just be playing video games or something and I will just start getting chest pains and palputations. But the worst thing is this lingering feeling or some sort of Aura that I am about to have a heart attack, even if I am not having chest pains, ativan works for a while but this really sucks.
It scares the s*** out of me. I have had ekg's done in the past and they say it looks fine.
Another thing is I am always paranoid about diseases. Everytime I get a pain or an uncomfortable feeling I instantly think I have Cancer. I have never had cancer and I don't really think it's in my family, but if I get a pain in my ribs it's lung cancer. in my chest it's heart cancer, armpit cancer, leg cancer throat cancer, I get a headache I have a brain tumor . I have it alllllllll. Please help me or tell me I am not the only person who feels like this, I am at the end of my rope with this crap!!!