Somebody knows how to cure OCD peripheral vision?


Well-known member
This problem used to be very severe for me. I would go to computer labs and sit next to people, and it would be awkward because I could see people from the sides as well as across from me. I just force myself to stare at the screen and ignore the people around me, but it's very uncomfortable. I've also met people who kept on looking at my screen, maybe they're just as nervous/uncomfortable.


Active member
same for me.. it's super severe for me.. when i say severe i do really mean it.. today on the bus, i stared at somebody on the peripheral vision and when he looked out of the window, i was sitting behind him, when his eyes moved towards the window, my eyes quickly moved away back.. then he noticed my fast movement of the eyes.. i try to practice, for example when somebody shifts his gaze .. just not to look away or more my eyes away because it indicates that i'm starring at him.. it's impossible i think.. idk what to do.. by severe again i tell u, i got into a shock.. u imagine a rocket falls next to u.. u get into a shock, u look at ppl around u and it looks like not real life.. this what happened to me today.. pc relaxed me.. it's super hard.. the shock part is the worst. ppl think sad for me, they sometimes get depressed them selves seeing me depressed.. wtf.. ****in problems...... jeez i dont want to get out of the house with this stupid OCD peripheral problem!!!!!!!!

i wish i was like everyone else, enjoying, being happy, being ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it's a problem inside my head, something with the chemicals, maybe low dopamine levels
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Active member
Update: I found this in yahoo answers

Guys! Try MEDICATIONS, like anti-depressants and quit porn to get more dopamine levels, watch thsi video, you'll understand what i mean

I'll try quitting porn and if it doesn't help me with my PERIPHAL OCD problem + my social anxiety i will take medication from the army psycholog becoz for now it drives me crazy, i think my primary problem is low dopamine ammount in my brain due to an addiction...

DEPRESSION: Low Dopamine, Not Low Serotonin

I had a friend in the army which was super depressed, then he started taking anti-depressants medication and he wasn't depressed anymore and was more social! i didn't try medication yet! i want to do it naturally by getting dopamine levels to normal by quitting my addiction.
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Active member
Why people notice you when you look at them from your Peripheral vision? because when ever he gets in your sight, just with his eyes, he doesn't look at you directly but you do know he can look at you from his peripheral vision.

What exactly happens is your eyes draft away, so he notices it and then knows you're looking at him because you moved your eyes.

How to deal with it? Face the fear, do move your eyes in purpose, people will do notice, do it until you aren't intimidated by it or fear it.. this is what i'm working on now.. i discovered this technique.