Some quick advice...


Well-known member
Hey guys, just wanted to share something I always keep in mind that helps me with my SA and other problems.

If you have SA and aren't being treated, or the treatment isn't working.....think about your life down the road....lets say to a time when your SA is a thing of the past....when it's cured or under control. When your SA is gone, how will you feel in public? You'll feel confident, yes....but there are other things too. You'll be less aware of your environment, you'll care less about other people and care more about yourself. You'll be a happier person with less stress.

What's the catch to this situation? Think about it.....can anyone REALLY help you find it in yourself to be confident, think better of yourself, and be less anxious? Sure, a therapist can help you with thinking techniques, etc....but in the end you need to keep this in your mind:

-My problem will be fixed when I can learn to act/think confidently and not care what people are thinking.

-"Learning" how to think is something that only YOU know how to do.

If you think about it, it makes SA a lot simpler. Forget medication or any other treatment. They don't treat the problem, because the problem is in the way you perceive yourself and others....Your thoughts can only be changed by YOU. Once I simplified it down and realized the only way to win this is to just gain confidence, I've gotten a ton better.

Of course there will be posts like "that won't work for me, i need 5 pills to blast my SA away, there's no other way," so I'm expecting that. Keep in mind that if you have more than SA, this obviously won't work for all of your problems.


Well-known member
I think the point of CBT is to give you the tools to think differently, which is why it works so well, so therapists are still good. But you do have to realize that if you don't have the will to work for change, you won't get it.


Well-known member
I am doing CBT at the moment
The thing I find hard is that it doesnt seem to be coming from thought
I understand you cant have an emotion with out the thought
But i just cant seem to get in touch with them
Its really frustrating me
Anyone wanna shave what thoughts they get in anxiety situations ?


Well-known member
The thought process that I go through is kind of hard to explain. A better way to explain it is that I now keep in mind that I need to follow through with things. When you stop an action before completing it, like turning around in a hallway, double taking,'re creating the awkward sensation you hate....if you follow through on your actions, you're projecting more confidence than if you didn't follow through, and you're less awkward looking. I also have strategies for other things too, like when walking in the hall I'll sorta zone out my vision instead of shifting it back and forth, etc.