Soloution for BLUSHING(only my opionion)


New member
Hi to everyone who suffer so hard from blushing,
I think i know what will remove our social phobia and the most important thing that cause it BLUSHING. p.s my enlish is not perfect sorry.
I'm male 27 and i got this problem for 14 years.i didn't go to school from the age of 15 and didn't have much contact with ppl in my teenage years.
at 19-20 things were better but still very bad.i blush in every sitiuation,new ppl,family,girls basicly everything.i lost so many things in life because of this.ppl can't believe i have this problem.I don't say this to sound proud but I'm very inteleget,have my own busines(online so i don't need to deal with ppl:)very funny.I look like a top model I never needed to work hard with girls.i lost so many relationships in my life with many girls i like.i have few girls a week talking to me or looking in a way that i just need to talk.when they talk to me i'm blushing and they don't understnd whats worng.i can only meet girls when i'm totaly drunk.

if we need to analize why we all blushing I will say this:
confidant?Not only. you don't need much confidant just to say hi to someone and not blushing.the problem is we are afraid of something and most of us are sensitive due to this problem or regardless.
My solotion is symple:We need to be 100 times more confidant then all other ppl then we won't blush AT ALL.
First thing:women and men we need not to afraid of anything in life.
we should all go and learn two or three marshel arts like karate or boxing or other arts and do it the best we can.working in the gym won't help but
marshel arts would help.after 2-3 years working hard you won't blush.can you imagine someone with a brown or black belt in karate blushing because someone ask him something??if we do this we are removing the main problem.being afraid of situation.when u have so much conidance you can not be afraid and you are cutting that endless circle.we need to build our confidance much higher then other then we won't blush.
also other things would help being a really good dancer will help in many social situation.many things could help but the most important.learn marshel arts. many of us are just TOO nice and sensitive and more likely to be afraid of something.learning marshel arts will remove the most important problem we deal with and thats FEAR of something.i don't blush because i get hurt.i'm not ahsam of all things that cause me to blush i jus fear from the situation that will cause me to blush.more important if you are young act now.don't let it go for years.we don't need medicion,we don't need surgey,we are AFRAID of something geneticly or from a learning situation but we can remove it.

I'm starting this week to practise marshelarts and i will keep you guys update if i feel any change.I must make changes now as i can't take the situation anymore loosing relationshsip with so many ppl just from one stupid reason blushing.if someone say that we just need to deal with it and it not so bad.we all know how bad is it:) i want totally remove this problem from my life and i beleive it POSSIBLE! good luck and love to all!


New member
i like your idea... of needing more confidence than other ppl.. maybe it would work... i used to do alot of sports and when i was doing my sports i was ok, but its just in those other situations, i get really embarressed when im with cirtain people , just one on one, i think because there is no-one else there to take that persons attention you know? i start to feel self consious, then usually i lose the conversation and go red its so mortifying!! i used to drink alot so that i would be more confident, but that never helps in the long term... i have looked at hypno thearapy too but i dont hav money for anything like that. let me know how the martial arts works out for u.. :)


hi guys - i love the idea of increasing confidence through healthy sports and activities. I have been doing intense weight training for many years now and it has made me so much more confident and helped with my problem. (for the guys mainly, but possibly for girls too), your much less likely to blush if u are bigger, stronger, fitter and more muscular than others. This increase in 'physical strength' and size can help with 'mental strength' and confidence, (there is some kind of link), not to mention it makes you feel happier and more energetic.
hope it works for you, give it a go.......


Active member
No matter how you strong physical, your talking mind will tell you something else. He/she will tell: "you black belt karate... are you going to blush"

This is bullshit man... No matter what you do, it will fallow you and saying stupid things.... we all listen.

My only fix is, erase the past. Total memory lost can do. We need to forget what happened to us when we were child.

Mind: You are black belt, but you are still stupid, now you blush....


Well-known member
I hope this works for you and I don't mean to take the wind out of your sails, but I have been taking martial arts for the past 6 years and I still have problems with SP and blushing.

It does help you with anxiety though, but I think this is true of lots of different kinds of exercise, not just martial arts.


My only fix is, erase the past. Total memory lost can do. We need to forget what happened to us when we were child.

this is great advice and it worked for me. i'm completely cured of blushing for more than 40 years. i didn't do anything different, except for realizing that, THERE WAS NO ONE BETTER THAN ME, so why be ashamed or blush in front of them. they're no better than i am, in most cases worse. my social skills are just as good and i ACCEPT and LOVE myself, for who i am. it's called, self CBT. no therapist or physciatrist could ever help me with this, i had to find what worked for me. i haven't blushed in a year. REALISTIC PERCEPTION of yourself and nobody's labels will help you overcome anything.

the more you get to know others, the less flawed you'll feel.
I've found that as I start focusing on other areas of my life such as business, sports, volunteering and family my blushing has begun to diminish. As you become more rounded in other areas your confidence increases and you focus on your blushing less and so it becomes less of a problem.

It's not necessary and it can be overcome in different ways but it certainly helps.