Soft water iontophoresis


Hi, So I got my iontophoresis machine a few weeks ago, and I'm on day 8 of my sessions, and I am not seeing even a little bit of improvement. I tested my water with a test strip, and it was soft (not the softest level, but the one above it). Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do? Should i continue to do what i'm doing (30 mins a day), or should I add salt water / baking soda? Any helpful suggestions would be great, because this lack of improvement has got me bummed.


Well-known member
Give it time. Salt and Baking soda doesn't do that much. 8 days is a short amount of time for some people. Collect a little bit of rain water and see if that helps. My usual advice is read the back posts. We have a ton of info on ionto. Look up some of my posts.


So it has been over 3 weeks of daily treatments (30 mins per day), and I do not see even a slight improvement. Needless to say, I am disappointed. I believe my water content is to blame. Anyone w/ soft water have any treatments that they used in which they were successful? If I were to add CaCo3 to the water, would that change anything, since CaCo3 is what presumably defines the hardness of water? I will continue to do daily treatments, but not seeing any results is definitely getting frustrating.

Ps. I usually put 2 cups of water per tray, should I try less?


Well-known member
You can try coating your hands with dehydral before treatment. That has helped me in the past. Add some rain water to your water. This also has worked wonders.