society says we have to be happy


Active member
In modern western society we have to be percieved to be good looking, have money, have a wicked social life, be happy, be on top and be confident. when the truth of the matter is, i dont think anyone is all those things and its unrealistic to think that all the above is possible.

some of us a rich some poor, some good looking for not so etc we all have streanghs, we all have weaknesses. thats life.

point and truth is. you make YOURSELFS miserable by obbsessing over what everybody else is percieving you to be. because your not happy enough or chatty enough. no one really cares. i know people who can talk for hours and bore the fuck outta me! but they would never know they bore me coz like me, most people r curtious and listen anyways. 9 times outa 10 people never really say what the truly think, coz well u just dont. so why obsess over what people think if they would never tell you anyways. even if they think ur propa amazing. they would never say to you, or rarely say to you wow ur well confident!! people just say nutral things.

so if your striving so that one day people will think and say wow ur so funny, wow they are happy people, wow shes so confident. then your on a mission to fail. and i assume that you already do feel like you've failed because of this. your gonna have people adore you, and people who hate you. if your ok with you, you wont get swayed either way.
you can keep buying into this self help shit, and the be more confident shit. but if it dont come within you. a book aint gonna help ya. i always feel for people who get to a low point where they are desperate to feel good about themselves, coz ive been there, sometimes still go back there. but it helps to remember, that in this life, your going to be up and down. but it helps a hell of alot more if u just accept you for who u r right now.

so quit with the self indulgant self pitty, because outside of this website, it dont wash. people aint gonna respect you for thinking your some how hard done by. people howeevr will respect you for making the most out of things although u have got troubles.

stop playin the victim.
I believe we live in a fucked up society where the best people are glorified through the media and it gives some of us a false sense of who we need/should be. I blame MTV for a lot of the sterotypical images it portrays of our younger generations. I hope things get better and people recognize the damage we are doing to some of our own people. Like the original poster hinted at, we have set ourselves up for failure with false expectations that are unrealisitc for 95% of people to achieve


Well-known member
Laclau and Mouffe's claim that society even does not exist . I forgot the name of that movement

And - there is no such thing as "best people" and IMO they could be glorified till the end of time ; i dont care.

I dont know why but people who i dig somehow always are on margine, especially these good/naive , those who truly believe in something (not necceserally some ideal, anything)


From my experience I would disagree that some people will like you. In most cases that is true. But sometimes not accepting some poeple are acceptable and encouraged. I'm talking about bad people. Saying what you think of them is considered a good thing and being neutral about them is considered weakness. Well, what if you are a bad person. At least you are percieved by society as bad as evil. I'm talking about my self, shy jobless, yet arrogant and selfish person. Bullying such people in school can be called a good thing because those arrogant assholes need to be teached a lesson. And if you don't fit in society standarts, most people with few acceptions will hate you. People often talk about shy people as arogant. And arrogance is considered a bad feature, which means that shy people are bad people. So don't expect anyone to like you other than similar people like you. And even they accept you just because they want to be accepted themself. SO if you are not normal, if you are strange or eccentric you are considered as evil and people have a right to hate you, bully you, pay you lower salary, not to give you a promotion etc. You can call this discrimination. But on the other hand, if society will start accepting shy people, where's the limit. Do we accept murderers, rapists, pedophiles, writers? NO!
So what society does is teach everybody the way they should be, how they should behave. And if you behave differantely don expect people to accept you.