Socially anxious bisexual/lesbian needs help.


New member
Hello, I am 15 and I have general anxiety disorder.
I am a freshman in high school.
I've never been with anyone.
I believe that i am attractive but I am very unapproachable and socially anxious and can't really carry on a conversation. Even though i am on Celexa, (that's an anti-depressant,not a sedative) It doesn't change how hard it is to talk to people.
The girl that I like is always with friends.
I don't know how to talk to her. I think I am infatuated with her. I know what most shy people would do, is write a letter but the problem is, that I am a girl too. I don't care if she's a lesbian or not. I really need to do something, because I can't stop thinking about her. Thing is, if other people hear about this: rumors spread pretty fast. My friends don't know about my sexual orientation, and I'd hate to lose them because I only have about three.

The idea of even talking to her seems like a very far away dream.

Some information you might want to know: I barely have any friends and only because I've known them for so long. I can't really talk to new people. I spend most of my time on Psycholinks Self help forum because I am also suicidal..........

Even though I am attracted to them as well, I am even MORE fearful when it comes to men. I would even go as far as saying that I am Androphobic. I don't know if you can help me with that, but I feel like I have to mention that.

Tell me what I should do.


Well-known member
To be honest, that might not be a good idea. Odds are she will just yell, sorry, but her reputation is at stake to. Im sorry but a good idea is maybe wait a few years, then look for sombody. Not sure if your gonna find another girl in school, might be hard. Either you become a huge outcast asking if anybody is lesbian, or you just wait until after school. You could try dating people online, might take you mind off of the girl you like. Might even meet sombody you will be with for a long time, or forever. Or you could give her a letter but don't say who its from, you could find out if shes lesbian and keep your friends, yet you could tell her how you feel, just probably don't put down who its from.

I kinda had the same problem as you, just im a straight male. Could never talk to people, didn't have many friends(none now). So just take a few tips from up there, try to forget her, unlikely she will care. Don't risk your friends, wait until after school to find sombody. Finding relationships like that in high school are usualy hard. Also, stay in school.-_- If you need more help go to pen pals.


Well-known member
Comeing out in high school in my opinion is never a good idea, you have to be one hell of a secure and strong person for that. You never know what people could throw at you.

ive gone through exactly what you are atm,around the time of being 14/15. I had a deep crush on a girl - stared at her - thought she was amazing....but am mega glad i didnt act on it, crushes always go away.

In high school its far to hard to tell if people are gay, its weird to look back on it knowing whos gay/lesbian now - ive been shocked at some of the ones i know.

Best bet is to find out if shes lesbian/bi first, theres small signs you can look for, but when you are crushing its hard to not look far into something that just isnt there.
