social skills

iunno if its just depression or sa, but i think i lack social skills..

for example when i need to retell how someone sat, make gestures like him i dont know how, like I rly suck at imitating ppls gestures or voices..not like real good imitating, but the basics :/
The worst part of it is that, SA causes you to be alone, and being alone makes you lose your social skills. It's a positive-feedback mechanism, in a way...
in what way? and can u gain them again?

You could probably gain your social skills back but, you will have to start everything again from scratch. And it will also mean putting yourself out there. For someone with SA it's a nightmare.


Well-known member
A lot of very hard work.We learn a lot of these thing when we are children and children minds are like little sponges taking everything in.So its easy for a child to learn these type of thing more then a adult for sure.

That does not mean that adult cant learn social skills.It mean it a hell of a lot harder.I been try to learn these skill for a long time,I have learned a lot but i have a long way to go. still.

Anyway there's not any easy answer to learning social skill.You just have to get out there and watch people,talk to a professional,maybe group therepy.Point is you have to do a lot of different thing to get the the whole spectrum being social.There a lot of more then that tho.I just dont have the answer.

The sad thing is having a S.A is about the worse thing you can have if you want to be social.


Well-known member
There are courses you can take on social skills. I took one, and it improved my life. What makes social skills so important, is the fact that sucessfull dates, friendships, job interviews and so on all depend on it.
I'm not sayin gI dont have scoial skills at all, I can talk, and make it interesdtign when im in the mood.. like i had awesome socila skills three years ago, so i think there ok, but i guess i over exaggerate, or not :/
yeha iv heard of those courses..


Well-known member
There are courses you can take on social skills. I took one, and it improved my life. What makes social skills so important, is the fact that sucessfull dates, friendships, job interviews and so on all depend on it.

Really? How does one find courses like that? I think a class on social skills would help me out a lot... I have been a lot less anxious around people lately, but I am still terribly awkward because I haven't learned how to act around them.


Well-known member
Really? How does one find courses like that? I think a class on social skills would help me out a lot... I have been a lot less anxious around people lately, but I am still terribly awkward because I haven't learned how to act around them.

If you go to a psychologist or a therapist, talk to him/her about it. My psychologist told me about the course after I got diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. Both the tutors and the other participants at the course were really nice. :)


Well-known member
If you go to a psychologist or a therapist, talk to him/her about it. My psychologist told me about the course after I got diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. Both the tutors and the other participants at the course were really nice. :)

Thanks. I'm seeing a therapist right now, so I'll try to talk to her about it.