social phobia-- university presentations


Has any of you had to give presentations for class? I'm just asking because I think I'll have to give presentations when I start going to college and I don't want to. :(


Well-known member
Yes! and everyone looked bored after i gave the presentation. but if you know what your talking about then you will have no problem. If you dont understand what is being presented then you will struggle. I learned that the hard way. I started getting the questions from the audience and i hadn;t studies the night before. So i looked a bit silly!

You will be fine.


Well-known member
i haven't had any and this is my second year.

plus you can look at the syllabus before hand and if you see a presentation, you can drop the class


Well-known member
I had 5 presentations to do on my first semester. You kind of get used to it. I suppose.. but it is always as hard as the first time..


Well-known member
But the worst thing is when you have to watch yourself on the giant screen with everybody making comments on your performance...


I just don't want to choke or anything. I know that for speech class I'll probably have to do a few presentations though.


Well-known member
I have a huge problem giving presentations at university so far i've managed to avoid them which has caused my grades to slip. The stupid thing is though as soon as I get up and do the presentation I have no problem and can do it fine. I just worry about them to much


Well-known member
I have a lot of trouble with my presentations in French class...but, I mean, on top of everything else I have to search for the words in another language.

I would advise never considering skipping or avoiding a presentation. Go first, if you can. You need to get it over with before you have too much time to build up your panic. Also, be really, really prepared. Like, although its better not to just read a script, sometimes having one prepared helps you just in case the anxiety gets so bad that all you can do is look down and read.


Well-known member
I practised my presentations until it was as natural in my head as greeting someone.

Also, someone once told me to imagine the audience in their underwear when you're doing the presentation as well!

Remember everyone else will be in the same boat, and I'm sure that their's won't be any worse/ better than yours.


Well-known member
oh yeah ayla that too. i'm in a french class and everyday we had to go around and speak. argh! but i got used to it. but my heart never stopped racing.


Active member
Yeah, the classroom has been a giant source of anxiety and fear for me personally. As a result of my social anxiety problem, I have never been able to finish college. I am 31 years old and currently I have my AA degree plus an additional two semesters at the University. I am planning on resuming my college career in June of this year(starting with summer school) and hopefully I can finish my 4 year degree in another 1 1/2 years. I really need the degree and I feel really bad that I have not been able to finish it because of anxiety and fear.... :(

I know what it's like to fear giving presentations, and unfortunately, I have done my share of dropping classes that required oral presentations. I even dread going to any class on the first day of instruction for fear that the teacher might require each student in the class to introduce themselves.....I used to hate that, and I would sometimes intentionally miss the first day of instruction just because of that! Pretty bad, huh???


well, thanks for all your replies. they made me feel like i wasn't the only one suffering. but what can i do? i want to CONQUER my fears. i want to be at a point where im not afraid of petty stuff like speaking in public. i mean, how will i ever become a professional if i cant do it?


Well-known member
You honestly want to conquer your fears? Ok then, last year I did my first presentation in over 10 years, and beforehand, the thought of doing any public speaking would make me want to vomit. Now I've done 3 presentations in total last year, and all because I pushed myself to practice.

The best thing you can do at this stage is get someone you trust and feel comfy with to practice in front of, and yeah, this in itself will be difficult. I didn't have anyone to practice with, but I accidently found out that I wasn't so nervous giving presentations to children so ...well, thats another story. If your uni has any opportunities to volunteer with kids, try it, you may end up gaining some confidence from speaking to them one-to-one, then eventually you may get confident enough to say hello to the entire class, etc etc

Anyway, even small practice presentations will make you nervous. Just get the idea into your head that you will get anxious (so it doesn't suprise you after trying to supress it) and keep practicing. In front of a mirror is good too, and don't expect to be great from the start.

What sort of presentations are you hoping to do Nick? What subject?


well, presentations in speech class might involve an attempt to persuade the class to accept my idea about something. Protecting whales would be an example for instance. I would have to make eye contact, use visuals, and talk long enough so that the presentation lasts 10 minutes. In something like English, I might have to give an oral report about a book that I was assigned to read. Even small things like the professor assigning us to groups to discuss something and then present our ideas to the class would make me uneasy. I seriously don't know how I got to be like this. I use to be normal like everybody else. Then one day, I just started being nervous, even around my own family members.


Well-known member
I hate them, but cos its my degree and career on the line i jsut get on with it. I think i lose marks for not looking at the audience much, but i think its better for me to hide behind paper than to not speak at all!