My story is even more ... pathetic. I studied one year in an university here in Montreal but it was absolutely disastruous. I always sat in the back, but the pressure was huge. There were times when my whole body and all my muscles were as tense as they could be. I couldn't watch the teacher in the eyes, and the presence of the other students was almost unbearable. I felt an enormous pressure on me, as if I were 2000 meters under the water and the whole area was pressing against me. Plus, the fact that others might notice it made it even worse. The only course that went better was one given in an amphitheater filled with more than 700 people where I could "get lost" and not be noticed. It was more or less dark and I always sat in a seat between two broken seats, where nobody could seat. Actually, that was one of the best course I have ever taked because I was very relaxed (especially after coming from other courses where I was simply "squeezed"), the teacher was amazing and the subject very interesting (Social Psychology).
Unluckly, due to my social phobia and to another reason, I had to leave university.... it was really a shame because it is one of the best unviersities in North America and one of the nicest as well. I really wanted to be like "them", but the thing is that I am not.