Social Anxiety?


Well-known member
ok - i sweat, get cotton mouth, my heart rate goes up, i fumble, i mix words up and i become aware of every single action i make.

Maybe i'm crazy? I'm pretty sure this is all Social Anxiety, i just don't know how to deal with it, or if i want to...

i procrastinate a lot, i leave things until the last moment... so i'm poor at seeing a dr. or getting help that way...

i have a hard time in public, and a very hard time talking to someone... unless i feel really comfortable with someone i can't really hold much of a conversation. i answer stuff, but i never ask or initiate. i take my discman everywhere i go. i feel weird if i'm outside, in public, and don't have my headphones on... it's also a way to stop strangers from trying to initiate a conversation with me.

40 minutes ago i had to show my apt to some people - i'm moving out... my mouth got dry as soon as the bell rang, i was licking my lips constantly because they were so dry, i became aware of every action i took, i didn't know what to say, and i was sweating a little. it's 40 minutes later and my mouth is still dry - i've been drinking and drinking and it doesn't help... it's 40 minutes later and i'm still fucking worked up from having to show a fucking apartment to 3 fucking people...

i go out with my g/f and i can hardly talk to her friends, i don't know what to say and i feel like an idiot if i do say anything. it's like everything i say will be dumb and people will shit on me like they always have. i sit in university classes and keep quiet to myself with an answer, even though i'm 99% sure i'm right (and i usually am)... i'm scared i'll be wrong, or that a teacher or student will laugh at me for giving my answer or opinion on something.

the only way i can converse is via the internet. i'm great at using message boards - but in person i'm a boring fuck. i can't talk to people, i don't want to talk to people and i'm sick and tired of it.

maybe i'm just a psycho... or maybe i can get help - i just don't know how to.


Well-known member
Hi Wizz

Have you ever spoken to anyone about this problem you have?? It does sound a lot like Social Phobia, however I am not a doctor. Perhap's if you already haven't you could talk to someone about your problem and if necessary seek help or treatment.. Things can improve for you.. I am not sure where you live, but there are support services out there..


Well-known member
Hi Wizzy & Johno!


I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. I remember feeling crazy too and f**king boring as a conversationalist. It's painful but you're not alone.
How are you doing today?


Well-known member
I do that with my discman too.
Don't feel awkward about seeing a doctor. They'll understand; SA is pretty common, so chances are they'll have seen cases of it before.
Good luck.


Well-known member
Hi Wizzy

How are you going now. I used to feel that way alot. Like very small thing I did or said I used to think everyone would notice and think that I was weird. I am very shy and introverted and have actually had a couple of guys tell me that I am strange. I can't help it if I am quiet and if they can't accept that then that is their problem not mine.

I am unable to open my door to let strangers in, when the real estate agent wants to come and do an inspection I always manage to have other things to do so I am not home when they are there. I also procrastinate alot, one of my biggest traits. Usually it only takes 2 hours at the most to do the housework I can make it last a full week. I'll do that tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. I do this with eveything. I also have problems going to a Dr. I have got a very badly ingrown toenail which I have had since December. It has got an infection in it as well but for the life of me I still havent made it to the Dr.

Wizzy it will get better, trust me. Just live one day at a time and take little baby steps. You may need to get some help from a professional to point you in the right direction but it is worth it. You just need to work on your self esteem abit as the way you see yourself may not be how other people see you. The more self conscious you feel, the worse each situation seems. I have wasted the last 23 years to SA and I'm doing anything now to overcome it.