Hello all, I have been suffering from social phobia for about a year and have been shy for the vast majority of my life. I intend on reclaiming my life and that begins with facing my fears. To do this I must eliminate my safety behavioral responses I have been too accustomed to, mainly the complete avoidance of feared social situations.
It is my desire to start an online social phobia/anxiety boot camp in which we have weekly goals (for example making eye contact with 40 people the first week) that will remove us from our accustomed comfort zone. We should all strive to take some sort of social risk on a daily basis that makes us uncomfortable. Of course this needs to be done in baby steps and at your own pace that challenges you, yet does not overwhelm.
Bewared that partaking in this boot camp will require serious dedication on your part; reading the related articles on the weekly objective, going out on the “field” and practicing certain techniques, meeting the objective, sharing your experience and writing a few journal questions that will assist us in getting a better understanding of ourselves. If you find it too difficult to keep up with the weekly goal just allot yourself more time to reach the objective (Two weeks instead of one). Remember the entire point of this boot camp is to put us in an uncomfortable situation and hopefully in time after facing our fears we can overcome them. We need at least a couple of people to partake if this is going to be anything worthwhile, the boot camp will begin this week depending on how many decide to participate, I will post the first week’s objectives, journal responses and required reading material
I’d like to leave you with a passage I found that is quite appropriate for this topic: “A boat that never ventures beyond its moorings will never be damaged, but that’s not what boats are made for. Similarly, a human being who never dares to walk into the unknown spaces of his or her life will never get hurt – but that is not what humans were designed for. Clinging to safe shores in your life is nothing more than making a choice to remain imprisoned by your fears”. – Robin Sharma
It is my desire to start an online social phobia/anxiety boot camp in which we have weekly goals (for example making eye contact with 40 people the first week) that will remove us from our accustomed comfort zone. We should all strive to take some sort of social risk on a daily basis that makes us uncomfortable. Of course this needs to be done in baby steps and at your own pace that challenges you, yet does not overwhelm.
Bewared that partaking in this boot camp will require serious dedication on your part; reading the related articles on the weekly objective, going out on the “field” and practicing certain techniques, meeting the objective, sharing your experience and writing a few journal questions that will assist us in getting a better understanding of ourselves. If you find it too difficult to keep up with the weekly goal just allot yourself more time to reach the objective (Two weeks instead of one). Remember the entire point of this boot camp is to put us in an uncomfortable situation and hopefully in time after facing our fears we can overcome them. We need at least a couple of people to partake if this is going to be anything worthwhile, the boot camp will begin this week depending on how many decide to participate, I will post the first week’s objectives, journal responses and required reading material
I’d like to leave you with a passage I found that is quite appropriate for this topic: “A boat that never ventures beyond its moorings will never be damaged, but that’s not what boats are made for. Similarly, a human being who never dares to walk into the unknown spaces of his or her life will never get hurt – but that is not what humans were designed for. Clinging to safe shores in your life is nothing more than making a choice to remain imprisoned by your fears”. – Robin Sharma