Social Anxiety History/Statistics


Hey fellow sufferers of SA. I was researching about SAD and wanted to state some quick facts.

Neurological disorders such as SAD are increasing. Not decreasing.
Medication is increasing, not decreasing.

Check out this chart from google.


The Social Anxiety Epidemic that is going on now did not happen in history before liek this and it is getting worse. We have to start looking at how we can prevent it from getting worse!

The medications are increasing as well. Let me know you guys think.

Hope all is well.


Well-known member
We have no idea who had social phobia before it was defined as a disorder! I think this (and autism and a few other disorders) are getting diagnosed more and more because more and more people know what it is!

And obviously medication is increasing. Because we're getting to this society who encourages taking pills to fix everything instead of trying to do a bit of work.


It would seem that everything is increasing, murder, crashes, deaths, disease, but in reality, there is just greater coverage of this all. Newer diagnostic methods, greater media coverage etc. Some may actually be increasing in numbers but the ratio between people and these events are probably the same as its always been.


Well-known member
I've always thought that the internet has a lot to do with it- and tv, too- i think that there's been this wall created in interaction between people, and it's a lot easier to be withdrawn... not that psychological disorders haven't existed for a long time, i just know at least for me, a lot of my childhood was playing videogames, watching tv/movies- a lot of times i would stay in at recess and use the computers. but also too, mental illness is alittle bit more accepted now, and i think people who are maybe able to hide their disease a little bit are more willing to seek help?
and also too, maybe the internet allows people to meet (and maybe eventually breed) so that our kind is actually increasing???
Not to be that person, but I've been reading more and more about the possibility of mercury (and other heavy metals) poisoning as a possible cause of social anxiety disorder (as well as hundreds of other afflictions). I'm not saying that because thimerosal and other mercury based preservatives were in our vaccines (and mascara, and nail polish remover, and contact lens solution, and chocolate syrup, and...the list goes on...) that that's WHY we are the way we are, but I think it's probably part of the problem. I mean, mercury is completely toxic, no matter how much or how little gets in your system, and yet it's still out there floating around in household products and in the water we drink, it's in every ocean on the's sad. Anyway, erethism is an interesting example. That's "mad hatter" syndrome - extreme social phobia and shyness caused by mercury poisoning. Louis Carroll based his mad hatter character off a hat maker friend of his who had the disease.