So over it


New member
Hi there I just found this site .. maybe finally I can get some answers.
Im nearly 50 and have from the age of 18 or so sweated badly from my head and face.
I coped with it but always had to carry around a handkerchief, now the hanky has spends its life living in the palm of my hand for the last 30 years . If i go out and forget to take my pile of hankys with me I go into such panic.. I very rarly forget as its so important to me to carry them around.
My sweating is ruining my life ..Im so over it ..dosnt matter if its freezing cold or hot as hell , once I start i cannot stop.. I love my job .. but hate going to work because I have to serve people, its so hard to give 100 percent, when the sweat is fogging up your glasses dripping down you nose, into your eyes so you cannot see, pouring down you neck , your hair looks like you just got out of a shower. I can see the gross look on peoples faces, I get so many comment about it ..this sweating now will go on for the next 5 hours , at the end of a work shift Im mental drained from fighting this sweating and trying to give good customer serves ... I feel like a freak .. I even thought about killing myself over it, because it affects every aspect of my life .. there is so many things i wont do because I know I will just start to sweat .. I dont have to do accessive exercise .. a simple shower and abit of house work will set it off .. once the sweat tap is turned on .. its very hard to turn off .. Im at my witts end and just want it to stop.
Where is the best place to start .. any advice will be welcome.


Well-known member
Have you seen a Doctor about this? (Sorry if that comes across as a stupid question.) I've heard there are medications to reduce sweating.


Well-known member
Hi Meltdown, welcome to the forum. This is a great place to find information to help with HH. I have it mostly on the hands so I don't have the experience of sweating from the head and face, but I have some suggestions. You might want to try an oral medication like Glycopyrrolate. It is effective and reducing sweat overall so it might help your situation. Have you mentioned your condition to a doctor? In some cases, there are other conditions that can cause excessive sweating. They can do a few tests to see if this is the case.

I recommend reading what other users have tried who have the same kind of HH as you. Hope this helps. Good luck!


Well-known member
Hi Meltdown,
I also have craniofacial HH. The glyco hyp-hi mentioned has made a real difference to me.
It's Robinul in the States, Avert in Canada.

There are glyco wipes which can help too.

Everybody has to find their own way with this crappy condition, and many want to avoid meds, but I just know they've helped me hugely, with tolerable side effects.