So I'm fat now, and for what reason?


Well-known member
So I ate the last two Tim Tams in the fridge, I had two, that's all, and my mother came out into the laundry and told me I have turned into a greedy pig, and that she hadn't had any, blah blah blah (She chowed through an entire block of chocolate last night, but whatever)

I have gained 9 kilograms this year buy over eating, it doesn't comfort me, I find food disgusting, but I eat because I know it'll piss her off that I'm getting chubby.

Now I feel disgusting though, how am I supposed to lose the weight again?
Am I insane to have done this?
Has anyone else just eaten and eaten for the sake of it, or because there's nothing else to do?

What do I do now?::(:::(::eek::confused:

I don't want to be fat anymore....maybe I should up the anti depressants, or have myself commited to a psych ward....


Well-known member
I have had troubles with food myself. I don't eat to piss people off, but I do frequently for no reason. I can tell you that losing the weight and getting healthier isn't easy, even though the solution seems simple. All you can really do if you want to actually improve your health and lose the weight for good is try to be conscious of what you are eating and learn what and when you really need to eat. Then you need to find something that you can get out and do to be active that you enjoy. I have lost over 125lbs, so I know from experience. Good luck!
I wouldn't recommend upping the Antidepressants to help you loose weight. When I first started taking them, I did some research and read that many people complained of weight gain while taking them.
I've been taking them off and on for years now, and I have found what they said to be true. Whenever I am taking the Antidepressants, I am usually 2kg heavier than when I'm not taking them. Still haven't figured out why though!