So I have a crush on this girl...


Hi, as you can tell i'm new here, so i assume this is the right place to post this thing. First, a little about my self. Im a 14 year old guy in the US in 9th grade. Yes, i do have moderate social phobia/anxiety, and its always been slightly disabling, but never crippling by any means. But as you can tell by the title thats not what i came to talk about. About my love life: I've always been that nerdy/ straight A type of person who's shy and hasn't ever had any sort of romantic relationship, not even a kiss or anything, and nor have i ever truly cared, and all of my grade school crushes were utterly hopeless. But now its my freshman year of high school and, miraculously, there was this really pretty sophomore(dark hair, dark eyes, milky white skin...:inlove: ) and i wasn't sure at first but long story short i know she likes me... The thing is, i think we both know we like each other, but its so indirect, we've never even talked to each other, largely because our class schedules are so separate. We do go on the same bus, but we don't talk on that for various reasons. I know that if i ever want anything to happen between us, i need to approach her and say hi and take it from there. But that single step of simply saying hi to her terrifies me because of my social anxiety of course. But my real issue is my insecurity. I consider my self quite unattractive, because i have a pretty small chest compared to my hips so my overall body shape is awkward and girly. I just feel so inferior to her because shes so attractive and feminine but I'm so un manly and lame. So in any situation where i have the chance to say hi i just get way too shy. Recently I've been ignoring her on the bus because she hasn't been sitting near me anymore and being very unassuming i get in the mindset that she doesn't like me so i pretend to not give her any attention to make me feel better but I'm starting to think that she might be losing interest probably because I'm not making any "moves," but as i said i have no dating experience so i don't know what to do. And with this new semester we never even see eachother except on the bus, but the bus is too noisy and awkward for us to have a conversation, so now i really have no chances of talking to her. And i really like(-ed) her, so the recent realization that probably nothing is ever going to happen between us is very depressing. But what do you guys think? Do you think anything could happen between us? Any insight or helpful criticism on thus situation would be appreciated!


Well-known member
Well, if she likes you then of course things can happen! Even if you think that she's losing interest, it's easy to spark it up again by just talking to her. But, I understand how hard that can be with SA. Perhaps you can just message her over some social networking site first, then approach her in person? But, if you think that that will just enable you to not talk in person, maybe you should try talking first. Don't ignore her, because then she'll think you're not interested.


Thanks for your reply knr9311, yeah i guess thats what i'll have to do.
I have a question... On the link to this thread, theres a little checkmark by the title... What does that mean? Also, to anyone else reading this post, feel free to give your opinion, i know knr did but the more peoples advice, the better.