So glad I found this website!


New member

I have suffered from excessive sweating since I was 12 years old, I am now 20. I first started realising I was sweating more than others when I used to walk to school-I had a backpack for all my things (which trapped the heat even more) and by the time I got to school my back was so wet, the whole of my t-shirt was soaked!! I had to carry a jumper in my bag and stand with my back against the wall - quickly shoving my jumper on without anyone noticing.

I went to the doctors a number of times and just got "unfortunately its the way you are" with no mention of a treatment!!! So years went on (until yesterday) thinking I was the only one, and to get on with it.

I find it very difficult to go out clubbing (even though I do), I have to wear black every single time- as the sweat on my back is soooooo bad. I find myself wearing black an awful lot-I'm sure a lot of you do too?

I suffer with facial sweating (probably the worst), with sweating on my eyebrows?! I do blush quite easily but I have a constant red tint to my face in patches(even if it was to be snowing) which I believe is something else...

It was only yesterday that my friend had watched a programme on channel 5 (Sweaty Betty) and told me about it. I searched madly on the internet and came accross this illness name- I feel so pleased that I have finally been able to put a name to this. I am due to go to the doctors next week to talk about various options available.

There was nothing I wanted to ask anyone, just to say that I'm glad I found this site and all of you :)

Jenny xx


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum :D

I have underarm hyperhidrosis which is bad enough, never mind facial hh, so it must be very hard for you!


New member
Pinker said:
Hey, welcome to the forum.

I sweat profusely on my eyebrows as well. It is really bizare.

Its very strange isnt it!! Its as though there is an extra sweat gland there :?


Well-known member
Now if only I could trim my eyebrows off

You know...

You can! I'm sure it would look cool. Seriously, I'm encouraging you to do so and upload a picture, there would soon be 10 billion hits on this page and everyone would know about HH... :lol:


Guess not :wink: