So awkward!


Well-known member
I'm still cringing at yesterday's meeting with someone who i've grown up with my whole life & whom most of my best memories are with because we used to have so much fun. She came around with her new boyfriend who I'd not met before....

...Probably one of the worst SP experiences ever....

...There was just really nothing to say, so nothing really was said. There was moments where it was quiet for ages and all our faces were burning. You could tell we was all thinking, "Oh my god someone talk". It was horrible. I'd asked them if they wanted to join me in the evening for drinks round mine (bit of an ice-breaker and once we'd had drinks i'm sure we would be fine) they said "yes sounds great" but I knew for a fact they were both thinking "no way" and suprise suprise got a text "can't make it" even though they were both saying they have NOTHING planned!

The experience is all I can think about as i'm so sure I could of said something?! I never see her and i'd asked her everything I could but it was like i'd run out questions and they never turned into conversation......

......Arrrrrrgh. Feel like never speaking to them again as i'm so embarrassed!!!!


Well-known member
hahahaha...! Oh my, I've been there...

I've been there MANY times ... ugh ... I could never stop thinking about it - I was completely mortified. Usually I never talked to the people that happened with again (how sad) but last time it happened, I was able to see those friends again and say, "That was weird and awkward last time... sometimes that happens, eh? Wanna get a drink later?" and it was normal to hang out with them again because I felt "normal" again. I'm still friends with them now. It's embarassing, but so long as you don't allow fear and embarassment to make decisions for you, you'll be able to overcome it all.

You'll be fine - embarassed and maybe red in the face - but nevertheless fine.