So awesomely alone


Well-known member
How do you guys combat loneliness? I am experiencing a bout of it more severe than ever lately. I feel absolutely dead inside. :?


Well-known member
i wish i could help you, but im feeling the same way right now. booooooooooooo

edited for my damn spelling :roll:


Well-known member
I almost never feel loneliness. Just alone. To me, they are two very different feelings. Equally upsetting, though, come to think of it.


Well-known member
Krs2snow You hit the nail right on the head. I too never feel loneliness. Its like with the dateing scene. People are alwayse saying things like you look so lonely or are't you tired of being lonely.

I am never lonely unless you count being in a world that doesnt understand shyness.

To combat lonelyness you have to remember that lots of people are sourounded by people yet they still feel lonelyness because they cant relate.

So find people you can relate to.


I read a book, watch a movie, something like that. Gives me something else to think about and to talk about. (to... myself.)

Trying to find people to hang out with only increases the loneliness for me, because it makes me feel more desperate and hopeless about my situation. I can only chill with people if I am already at ease with myself.
loneliness is certainly something I struggle with as well. unfortunately i tend to turn to mind numbing activities like playing xbox that do absolutely nothing to solve the problem. for me though any idea i just sit and think my situation kinda tanks and i feel worse about myself. My best way to combat this feeling is to do something athletic. it is one of the few activities that doesn't lead to anxiety. well this is mostly true, but overall sports really help me through these situations. I find this helps a lot for me because I prefer team sports. it helps me know that I am a part of something and my teammates accept my contribution. besides that adrenaline and endorphins are a short term way to feel better, depending on the person. Hope that helps


Well-known member
I also feel much more lonely when I'm around people. I just can't relate and it makes me feel worse. I usually try to do something like read a book or watch a film as well. There are certain ones that I can watch or read millions of time, if I can identify with it, and it gives me this dreamy, hopeful feeling, and definitely makes me feel less lonely. Also, knowing other people are going through it too makes me feel not as alone. Sometimes the simple beauty of nature does it for me. Anyhow, its a horrible feeling and I only wish the best to all you!


Well-known member
Well I would of thought the only way to combat lonliness would be to find companionship.

Buy a dog or a cat. :wink:


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I have definitely thought about getting a pet at some point, though it will have to be when I no longer live with my sister.


Well-known member
These past weeks I've just been feeling more lonely every day. Despite being outside, doing stuff with my friends.


Well-known member
Must add btw, I like the way you keep changing your avatar to different face expressions ljwwriter, dunno if you do intentionally or not, but it's rather cool :)


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
Must add btw, I like the way you keep changing your avatar to different face expressions ljwwriter, dunno if you do intentionally or not, but it's rather cool :)

Thanks Coriander. I really just change my avatar out of boredom. Sometimes my facial expression in the picture matches my mood and sometimes it doesn't.


Well-known member
I find pets are fantastic for combatting lonliness. Long term solution is to seek out some like minded people, hobbies and past times.

As other people have mentioned films and books serve as distractions.

Peace xxx


Active member
Recently I've been pushing myself to get into social activities, jobs that require interacting with people, like a summer camp counselor or volunteering with certain charities. Its summer I have nothing else to do and I found that the more time I spend inside my house, the more lonely and shitty I feel. So I've been trying to put myself out there and its going good, much better than I felt a few weeks ago.