So a friend was joking around with me


New member
He called me a son of a b**ch a few times and I responded each time with something like "That's such a cheesy name." Mind you I love my mom too. The thing is, I took a sociology class where the teacher talked about how even putting women down as a joke (eg you hit like a girl) can be going too far. She also mentioned that if I don't say anything, I'm encouraging it. I told the friend a couple weeks ago how I prefer not to be called a son of a b**ch even as a joke and he said ok. Then again, if he really was trying to bully me, he would have said that my mom is a b**ch. What do I do should this happen again? How would these solutions sound:
1)He was only kidding, so is it ok that I call him something vulgar back?
2)Mention how he said he wouldn't say that again?
Also, am i sounding cowardly at all? It's only joking and I would prefer not to make something big out of this.
Is he positive about you when he says it? Like if he introduces you to someone else "hey man, this guy here is awesome. He's a cool son of a bitch!"? If that's the case its probably jokingly. Do it back to him. When you first see him say "what's up ***hole?"
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