Smile experiment, who would like to join?


Well-known member
I am going to conduct an experiment where I smile at everyone who I come into contact with over the next few days and see how they react and if they interact with me any differently than they usually do. Would anyone else like to join the experiment and tell me how it goes?

Lets start now :D


Well-known member
I always smile anyway, automatic reaction. Sometimes I still scare them, but mostly they just ignore me...some say "how ya doin?", then they scare me..LOL


Well-known member
Gosh i don't - and i wonder why i come off as aloof.
I envy your positive spirit - i may try it with a few people that i pass but everyone ooooh the attention it would bring.
Can't wait to read your results. :D


Well-known member
I'll try to play along, hope it will attract some people in university, I'm kinda lonely now, only started yesterday though but I really don't know how I will be able to make any friends there


Well-known member
Some days, i think i´ll look dumb smiling, so i dont, i just kinda grin, which i also take care, cuz when i grin with both sides of mouth i look retarded, so i do it only with right side.


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Well-known member
The Question is...

To those who just look down(me!) or look pissed off
and just wont ever smile to people,

The question is:
IF you were someone else, would you come up to someone
like you with your expression?

The point is we are the one creating the conditions where
people wont necessarily have bad feelings about us but
they certainly wont be coming up to us.

And thats because...
A theyre rigid people as pissed off as some of you say you are
B they see you dont want the contact and so they wont force it.

Kinda nice actually. If they were "bad" people they would
come to your face anyway but they respect you want your space
and keep your distance and wont force anything.

Theres also C, which like i said in the beginning of this post,
would you come up to someone with your expression....

let me know if im totally off...
im humble and all you know : )


Well-known member
I don't like smiling >.< And just because I look pissed off doesn't mean I am... It's the eyebrows that make me look that way.


Well-known member
:lol: Thoughtless,
Love the pic. Now that me smile. Red rum, red rum

Actually smiling is one of my robotic automated responses. No more guy smiley for me. I'm working on saying no and asking for what i want. I've spent too much time already worrying about how others perceive me. Wasted too many damn smiles on miserable people. Don't want to attract everyone, just solid, good people.


Well-known member
i'm smiling on the inside. I don't really smile. I laugh which is a different thing. People always ask me why I don't smile. Or they assume that i'm miserable or grouchy that I don't smile. Which pisses me off that they think they know me, cause i don't smile. What they don't realize is, all the shit i've gone thru, it's hard to smile thru the tears.


Well-known member
"IF you were someone else, would you come up to someone
like you with your expression? "

This is a good point. I've never actually considered it from that perspective. I would say that I would be more likely to approach a person that smiles than a person that doesn't.

Smiling does make you more 'socially attractive'. But if it is done unnaturally(i.e faked) i doubt it has any effect. It has to come from the inside(i.e your spirit).


Well-known member
But then would you walk up to someone who was just sitting there smiling for no apparent reason? Like he was crazy or something?


Well-known member
I believe if you have a natural smile, nobody will think your crazy. When you are happy, your happiness radiates to other people.

When you 'fake smile" you are more likely to appear as 'crazy'.

You never know what the other person is thinking. You can't assume that person will think you're crazy. He could be thinking you're a wonderful and approachable person. WHo knows. Don't assume one perspective...there are millions.

And even if they think you are crazy. Who cares? As long as you don't think you are crazy yourself.

Personally, I don't think a person that smiles is crazy. I think he's just more approachable. I would approach him/her unless he/she had a gun, of course.