Slurred Speach and Articulation


Well-known member
At work and at Uni i find people asking me to repeat myself alot, one time i was asked three times to repeat what i had said and ive noticed that on occasions when i have an idea of what i want to say it comes out all wrong, i know its just a confidence problem because when im confident i can talk without thinking twice about it but aslo last week a guy at work approached me and said "hello" in this really deep voice like he was mimicking me or something and i walked away feeling so down after that, its like i have this idea that i come across as articulate but sometime reality can be that my perception is different to everyone else, ive been thinking of taking communication classes or maybe speech therapy classes, i know that this all due to lack of social confidence and practice, so anyways i just needed to get that out

i know that some folks are just born to talk and come with a stealth chatterbox and can talk about anything non-stop


Hmph, I was thinking about this a couple days ago actually... I have much the same problem. Sometimes people answer different questions to what I actually asked them, and I'm left with a "what... just... happened...?" feeling.

Also, my voice is very soft and quiet, so I have to practically scream in order to get any volume, and then things come out all wrong. I remember in school my Irish teacher used to joke about giving me a microphone when she asked me to read aloud in front of the class... Not exactly helpful, all things considered. 8O


ive noticed i stutter and slur a lot when im anxious. i have to conscinously slow down my mind in order to be understood


Active member
Baseball07 said:
ive noticed i stutter and slur a lot when im anxious. i have to conscinously slow down my mind in order to be understood
Exact same for me. Its really embarrassing.


Well-known member
I've never had problems articulating my thoughts, but I can really see where you're coming from.

My only advice would be this - A conversation is half spoken and half unspoken. If you project an air of confidence, the other person will already be paying more attention to you.

Also...don't be afraid to make mistakes.

If you're going to make a mistake, be bold about it.


Well-known member
same here

Yeah same here, i hate my voice, would speech therapy help? I thought speech therapy was just for people who have sppech impairments and that sort of thing.


Well-known member
Same here but for me it has more to do with my mind freezing up.So when I do say something it come out all wrong.


Well-known member
Yeah...people rarely understand's kinda a combination of people not following my thought process and me mumbling a lot. It's very frustrating because what I say makes sense to me, but I always have to try and go back and re-word what i say...and then i mumble a lot so people that understand my thought process then have a hard time understanding what is comming out of my mouth. Probably has something to do with me always thinking in mind goes all over the place.

I also have problems understanding what other people are saying to me and always have to ask them to repeat themselves...probably due to me not really concentrating on what they are saying, but rather on what is going on around me. So i guess i cant really get mad when people ask me to repeat myself since i always do that to other people.


Well-known member
I hate my voice. Only when I am drunk do I talk loud and fast. If not, I am nervous and speak real softly. I remember having to repeat myself quite a bit in school. I have gotten better over the years, but it's still hard. I also dislike my voice because I often sound bitchy/cocky or mad.. when I really am not. I wander if my shyness has something to do with this or if I developed shyness because of this.


Active member
I have the same problem. Now I’m trying to be more careful with the way I articulate the words as well as with the velocity of my speech.

I have a tendency to speak very fast and I often forget breathing properly. Do you believe that? :)


I am exactly the same way, I stutterned real bad when I was a kid but I thought I grew out of it, but when I'm happy or nervous it comes back, it drives me crazy becuase I stop myself always too late and have to breath deply and try to say it again, its extreemly embarrasing, sometimes I can catch it before it happens but then I just stop talking which then leads to many odd looks from people wondering why I just stopped. And I almost the oppsoye of what you mentoned about the 'having to re-reat yourself thing', I tend to have trouble hearing people in public, there is nothng wrong with my hearing but when I get nervous (which is all the time in public) I just don't seem to be able to focus enough on what people say so I don't always catch what they have said. And I'm way too embarrased to ask them to repeat it so that causes alot of problems and further embarrasment. :?