Sleep Panic Attacks


Well-known member
Does anyone else here have sleep panic attacks? Apparently there are two types... one where you're sleeping, and one where you wake up before. I've been having them since I was little, but didn't know what they were until tonight. It doesn't happen every night.. I would say it happens a few times a month. I wake up almost always an hour/hour and a half after I fell asleep, and I feel really warm, confused, scared. I sit up immidiately and I'm still half asleep. I feel disconnected from reality, and just generally terrified. I get out of bed and I walk around the house pacing around fast, very scared.. confused.. eventually as I begin to wake up more and more, I feel better and calm down, but it takes a very long time. It's terrifying, and like I said.. I didn't know what it was until tonight when I googled how it felt. When I was a kid, I would have then in the middle of the night and run around the house crying. Anyone else here have this?


I DO! Especially with naps. I wont even take naps anymore cuz 9/10 times I wake up in a panic attack.

and a few times a month like you Ill wake up just racy as hell! Just feel completely out of it like Im not even in my own body and Ill pace around the house trying to get my breathing proper and try and focus. Its just like Im in a racy buzzy haze where Im freaking out with my breathing and heart feeling all messed up (sometimes Ill shake really the point Im stiff sometimes)....but its completely different than my usual panic attacks I get. It takes awhile (usually 45min-1hr) till I usually calm down from those types. Theyre scary as ****!


Well-known member
I DO! Especially with naps. I wont even take naps anymore cuz 9/10 times I wake up in a panic attack.

and a few times a month like you Ill wake up just racy as hell! Just feel completely out of it like Im not even in my own body and Ill pace around the house trying to get my breathing proper and try and focus. Its just like Im in a racy buzzy haze where Im freaking out with my breathing and heart feeling all messed up (sometimes Ill shake really the point Im stiff sometimes)....but its completely different than my usual panic attacks I get. It takes awhile (usually 45min-1hr) till I usually calm down from those types. Theyre scary as ****!

Yep! That sounds exactly like me. I had to sit in bed today for about 40 minutes after walking/pacing around my house freaking out just to calm down, breathe, and snap out of it.


New member
Sorry to hear you suffer like this. I have done too. I've woken up in the night in sheer terror, feeling as though I'm about to die and feeling powerless to do anything about it.

One time was so bad I ended up in the doctors office that night. I was prescribed Diazepam (valium) which helped a lot.

The key is to take some action and not do nothing about it. Maybe try and explore different avenues of therapy etc.

Hope you find a way to beat the attacks.
