Situational SA


Well-known member
Does anyone have situational SA?

Mine is around teens and twenty-somethings.

When I go out in public, this is the group that will stare/glare at me. They mentally pick me apart, look me up and down, smirk and give me a look like "God, what a loser."

I don't get this look from any other age groups.

I already feel as if everybody is staring at me in public, so when they give me dirty looks ( usually females but sometimes guys), I'm unable to contain my anxiety.

Does anybody else have this problem with teens and twenty-somethings?

Maybe this is the wrong place, since most here are in that age group. No offense, it's just what I experience in my life.
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I feel exactly the same way, unfortunate that I developed these feelings as I entered my teens. I haven't been ale to spend time around my own age group for years, or go to schoo, so I completely empathize


Well-known member
It's all the same - whether you are bothered by youngsters or by neighbors. I am sure they do it to everyone and to each other too. But us phobics are more sensitive to it.