Site design


Well-known member
I'm glad they took the pic at the top with the people smiling and giving a thumbs up off the site. That was so cheesy (no offense). Can someone make alternate skins for the forums? I would offer to do some but I don't have the time to install phpnuke onto my own site and tweak at it. I'm sure there's a couple decent pre-made ones out there.


Well-known member
lol that was pretty horrid... i didn't even notice it gone until you mentioned it 8O


Well-known member
I suggest no pics up there , perhaps come change of colours.
Maybe it would be good to add some RSS Feed as option in footer.

But it is good now.


Well-known member
Well I'm glad that pic has gone.

The site is excellent as it is, but I would make a couple of improvements.

Expand the list of the most recently replied to threads from 10 to 20 (like they used to). Also allow Off Topic threads to be included in the 20.


Well-known member
Zantief said:
I didn't notice it was gone either until just now! I hated that picture! But it's funny they just took it down to replace it with advertisements. Is SPW having trouble paying the bills I wonder?

Ugh, they have ads up there now?! Boo. Fortunately I have a script installed so I don't see lots of ads on the internet, they are simply not there.


Well-known member
Can you reveal us where to download that script?
Not because of this site but i visit some benchmark site which is full of annoying ads/: