

Well-known member
kuhtreen said:
I have social phobia, but I still plan on becoming a very successful singer. I don't know how I can deal with people the public eye, but...I'm hoping that I'll be cured by the time I make it.

It's all about using your strengths to your advantage. If you are sensitive then you probably have a better insight into the human condition than a lot of other writers or performers. If you write your own material honestly, and from the heart, then you will attract like minded people who understand and appreciate what you are saying. Never try and second guess what is currently 'hip' or such like. Just be you. There is no one in the world like you. People will admire you for it.

It's great to see Morrissey's name mentioned in this thread! He is a great example. He practically lived in isolation until Johnny Marr knocked on his door and said, "Let's write songs..." and all those beautiful lyrics about obsessive love, loneliness and alienation ("Pretty Girls Make Graves", "How Soon Is Now?", "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" etc) became classics loved by millions.

When I was performing it was just before the world wide web, so there was no My Space or You Tube for publicity purposes. You are so lucky because you have the ability to present your talent to a wider and hopefully appreciative audience.

I still write, it's a great way to express your feelings. It's very cathartic, but my time has gone.

You have time on your side. Go for it...and have fun. I had the time of my life!

"Non, je ne regrette rien" :D


I know what everyone means about the singing thing, I love to sing but even though my friends have heard me sing in recordings I've put up, I can't sing in front of them. I've been asked to on a number of occassions but never had the nerve to :S It's stopping me from doing something I really love though so it's really frustrating, I'd love to be able to sing to people but I can't do it :/ My mum doesn't help by telling me it over and over again "you wouldn't be able to do that", I can't stand the things she says to me sometimes :S